10. I Am L

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Kii turned around and walked over to the very two people she least wanted to be by, "Hi.."


Light mentally smirked. Kii had the eyes, so she could see L's real name and kill him.

Looks like I've won, L.


Light at his desk in his second class of the day. His thoughts were surrounded around what his next move with L would be.

"Hideki Ryuuga! Please sit normally in your seat!" The teacher yelled making Light snap back to reality.

Light turned his head slightly and looked out from the corner of his eye at Hideki. Hideki stared straight forward at Light making their eyes meet. The tension between the two could be cut with a knife.

Both of them sharing similar thoughts of each other.


Lunch time came, so Light sat up from his seat and gathered his notes. The classroom was almost empty. The only people that were left in there was Light and Hideki.

Light felt the burning stare from Hideki on his back but walked away from it. Hideki followed him all the way out of the school. Out if the corner of Light's eye, he saw Kii sitting with one of her friends.

As Light walked down the school pathway, Hideki still followed him.

"Light. Light Yagami." He heard the strange person from behind him say in monotone.

Light stopped and turned back, "Oh, Hideki Ryuuga, right?"

Of course you'd like to know my name, Kira.

"Yes, that's me. I was wondering if we could eat lunch together. Maybe some place.. quiet and low key."

What's with this guy?

Light's eyes showed hesitation but agreed anyway, "Sure, I think I know a place."

Hideki Ryuuga, huh? I highly doubt that's his real name. But more importantly this guy somehow knows me. Maybe a little bit too well. I'll have to be careful about what I say around him. He could be associated with L.


Light and Hideki sat in the same booth he and Kii sat in days ago. Light ordered a coffee and Hideki got tea and a slice of cake.

"So, what made you want to eat lunch with me?" Light asked suspiciously. Although it couldn't heard in his tone of voice, Hideki still knew Light was wary of him. Still, it wasn't any accident L chose the name of the famous singer Hideki Ryuuga.

"Light Yagami. Your dad is the chief of police. Your a very bright and brilliant student. Infact, your the smartest teenage boy in Japan. Very impressive if I may say so myself."

Light stared at 'Hideki' with a unamused expression, "Where are you going with this? And how do you know so much about me?"

Hideki took a bite of his cake before replying, "I don't expect you to believe me, but I am L. And you, Light Yagami are under my suspicion of being Kira. I also suspect your girlfriend, Kii Asuda, to be working with you."

This man... is L? No. But how can I be sure? This could just be another one of his posers. I can't let myself make any specific act. If it turns out that this man really is L, I'll have to get myself clear of suspicion.

~back to the present~

And now, here they all were, face to face. All knowing exactly what each other were thinking.

"I believe Kii is still in the dark about myself. Why don't we head to the place where you and I had lunch, Light?"

Damn you, L!


The sense of déjà vu struck Kii as she, Light, and Hideki entered bentō bako. Kii and Light sat on one side as Hideki sat on the other.

They were truly face to face.

"Um.. what's going on?" Kii asked breaking the awkward silence. A part of her knew but she didn't want to believe it.

Hideki was the one to answer, "I am L. Light already knows this, and he also knows that I suspect you two of being Kira."

Kii creased her eye brows together and opened her mouth to speak but was cut off as Light gave a cynical laugh, "Me Kira?"

L felt disappointed. He was hoping to get a reaction from Kii first and hear what she has to say.

"And Miss Asuda? What's your take on this?"

Kii frowned, "I'm not Kira. How do I know you're not Kira? For all I know you might not even be L."

No, I know you're L. That's for sure. I also know your real name and that you know I only need a face to kill. So I bet you showed your face to me thinking I would kill you, therefore proving that Light and I are Kira to everyone in on the investigation.

"Very good. Maybe you're smarter than I thought you were. As for you two, if your really not Kira then you wouldn't mind taking part in our investigation would you?" It was like a game of chess between L and Kira.

Light's phone rang the same time L's did before he could respond. Both of them picked up their phones.

"Light's father.." L began, "My dad had a heart attack!?" Light finished making Kii gasp.

Could it be? No.. Kira? Light nor Kii wouldn't need to kill him..


"In a world like that, there'd be no need for love anymore either. If everyone were perfect, there would be no need to look out for others. Sympathy or love is needed because people are imperfect. A perfect human cannot love anyone." ~Katsuragi Keima (The World Only God Knows)

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