617 - Marabounta 2.0

Start from the beginning

William: We've located it!

Jeremy: This is perfect! We can take the Skid, and-(aleart) Oh no, just as we were about to attack XANA, he attacks first! Activated Tower, in the Forest Sector!(Bloom comes in)

Aelita: You okay, sis?

Bloom: Not really, there's something bizarr happening, outside! I went outside, and there's this weird black thing bloking us, that started to move arround, and attakng the Winx! Plus, anything that swallows disapears, like it's devirtualized!

Jeremy: Huh?

Bloom: And that's not all! My Phantom Ruby started to glow! As if that was made out of it!

Odd: Uh, what is all this suposed to mean?

Ulrich: I'm as bad as you, with that!

Yumi: You think that the Tower is generating that?

William: I don't think so. At least, not the Tower alone.

Jeremy: I was thinking the same. XANA might have used this Tower to use the power of the Phantom Ruby, in it's maximum. 

Laura: XANA created this, using a Tower, and a Phantom Ruby?

Jeremy: I believe that's prety much it.

Aelita: If that's true, then we have to find that Phantom Ruby, and deactivate that Tower!

Jeremy: One thing i can tell. For the Tower to use the Phantom Ruby, it must be directly conected to it.

Laura: We were finally able to get some information on the Phantom Ruby, and learn about it, after your visit to the Mountain Replika, last time!

Jeremy: Go to the Scanners! I'll send you to the Forest Sector!


The Winx were outside, transformed into their Bloomix, as they were fighting this weird black matter, that was blocking their way to New Mexico.

Stella: Urgh! I'm starting to hate this thing!

Tecna: This thing is, for sure, something made by XANA!

Daphne: What makes you say that?

Tecna: Everything is disapearing, as if it's digital!

Aisha: Also judging by the way it's moving to attack us!

Musa: Well, let's make that stop, now! ININITY ECHO!!!


Roxy's and Musa's attacks crashed against their weird enemy, main it back off. On Lyoko, Yumi, Aelita and Bloom were on the Forest Sector, waiting for the boys.

Jeremy: Scanner William! Scanner Odd! Scanner Ulrich! Virtualization!

The boys were virtualized on the Forest Sector, right besides the girls, and they looked at the tower, in the end of the road, in front of them.

Aelita: We're here, Jeremy.

Odd: Can you send the machines?

Jeremy: Uh, sorry, guys, but there's a bug in the program!(lab) The Activated Tower gave a bug to the Vehicles' program. I can't send you anything!

Aelita: No problem. We're not to far from the tower, anyway.

The Lyoko Gang went to the Tower. However, something semmed to be of. Jeremy recived a weird signal on his screen.

Jeremy: Weird.

Laura: What's wrong?

Jeremy: There's something happening on my screen, but i can't tell what.

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