#6 He Takes You To His Soccor Game

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You are watching Niall's grand final for soccer in a private area with his family. He scores a goal and points up to you in front of thousands of people in the stadium. The other team scored with 2 minutes left. The game was getting hectic and you could see Niall getting stressed. 30 seconds left and Niall is running up the field with the ball and kicks a goal. *siren sounds and everyone cheers*. Niall's team celebrate their victory and the interviewer comes up to Niall with the microphone. "Y/N, come on down" he winked into the camera and you laughed as you ran onto the field and hugged his sweaty body as he kissed you.

You were going to Harry's first game of soccer for the season and were sitting with Gemma and Anne in a private section of the stadium in case some crazy fans tried to mob you. Harry kicked a goal and the crowd went wild. He went onto the bench for a rest and an interviewer came up to him. "I would just like to make a shoutout that the goal I just scored was for my beautiful Y/N". He gave the camera a cheeky smile and you laughed at him as you were watching him on the TV your private room.

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