4. Flashback

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(May 22, 1997) Narrator

Deana Brown was living with her mother, Lexi Brown. They were heading to one of Dean's math competitions

She was fourteen years old and she had already accomplished a lot in her life, she could have skipped a lot of grades and by this time been on the colleague of her election, but with her mother, she had decided to take this easy and live every moment

"Are you nervous?" Lexi asked her daughter who was playing with her bracelet

"Would you be disappointed if I don't get into the California college?"

"Sweaty, of course not, and also you don't have to worry with your brain you can get to any college that you want"

"Yeah, but am just interested in California"

"Okay," Lexi said laughing "Let's just focus on today, and I promise everything is going to be fine" she was interrupted by her daughter

"Mom careful!"

A car driving on the opposite side of the road crashed with them. They went down the hill. Lexi heat her head really hard with the steering wheel dying almost instantly, on the other hand, Deana got trapt in the car the pieces of the window in her skin making her bleed, she hit her head with the door making her faint

She woke up momentarily in the ambulance but fain in seconds

(4 months later) Deana Brown

I open my eyes, it was really difficult to breathe, I saw my dad's face "Hey, it's okay honey"

"What?" I raise my head "What happened?"

"Your mother and you got into a car accident"

"But..." I was cut by dad

"You were in a coma. Try not to talk, I am going to get the doctor"

"Dad! Where is mom?"

"Her head hit the steering wheel too hard, she... died. Am so sorry"

"No. No. No. She can't. No! Why are you lying? She can't be! No!"

"I am so sorry honey, she is"

I started crying and my dad hug me I try to push him but I couldn't. Some minutes later the doctor entered the room

"She broke a femur, the other with a fracture, also a fracture on the left wrist, punctured lungs, damaged pancreas, and a big concussion. The good thing is that the damage to the spine was minimal. You are a lucky girl"

"I don't feel like it," I said in a cold tone

"That you can feel is a fortune. We could have lost you, young girl"

(Three weeks later)

It was 7:30 p.m. I was staring at my wall as I have been doing for the last weeks when I felt everything was spinning and all I saw was black

I opened my eyes, I was dizzy. I checked the clock on my coffee table, it was 7:56 p.m. I pass out again, the doctor said that it could happen sometimes because of the concoction. I hate it every time it happens, I feel so powerless

(Six months later)

I was just discharged from hospital two days ago. I am so mad and I don't even know why, I actually don't know anything. The only thing I know is that I need to get out of  here. I just can't be in this town... in this house. So know that I have turn 15 a few weeks ago I have decided that am gonna skip some grades and just present every exam that is needed and I am going to college, I know it would take me at least a year but it's okay for me. For know am gonna star appalling to different colleges, but know I don't know where to go

I had this plan to go to California's college but know it is the last place I wanna go... maybe I can go to Yale

(8 years later)

I am running to the auditorium of my college, I am taking a seminar in how to identify a psychopath with the amazing profesor Reid. He works for the FBI and I have take a few of his classes and seminars but this one will be my las one.  At least as a student, I am finishing my degree on children's psychology, and then I am appalling to the BUA, it has always been my dream job.

"Brown" I say

"Ms. Brown" he answers

(Present day)

It's been a few weeks since we went to the bar and the whole situación with Spencer happened. Am not exactly sure where our "relationship" stands, but am not exactly in the mood to investigate

Am sitting at my place finishing some paperwork when I get a call from my cell phone, it was an unknown number

Weird, "Agent Brown"

"Hi Ms.Brown we are calling form the Hospital Yuma Proving Ground Health Clinic to inform you that Eric Brown had a heart attack..." the sound stared to fade away, I fell a tear in my cheek

My whole word was crash in just a second. My dad, my only direct family, he was in the hospital. I could feel every stare, every tear and every hair of my body standing on the end

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