2. New job

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(1 year and 2 months after) Narrators 

Deana gets out of the elevator and approached a very colorful dressed woman in the kitchenette serving herself coffee "Sorry" Deana said to the lady "wheres Hotch's office?"

The lady turned around "Oh it's right there" she pointed to the last door in the room

"Thank you" Deana quickly walk  past a few persons chatting at a desk, and she entered the office

Some seconds later Spencer Reid came out of the elevator and approached his coworkers "What are you talking about?" he asked curios

"About the new girl," Penelope said, "have you heard anything?" Spencer shook his head

"I heard that she is really smart," Prentiss said

"Finally some competition for pretty boy" Morgan said laughing, Spencer fake laughed and go get some coffee, but spill some in his shoes, so he excuse himself to  the restrooms

Meanwhile in Hoch's office

"Okay there's some paperwork you need to sign but for the meanwhile welcome to the team" he shook Deana's hand "here" he slide a box to her "This is all you need" inside it contained her identifications, gun, and jacket

"Thank you, sir," she said later excusing herself. She got to her desk and start getting her things in place

"Hi" Prentiss talked from her desk "I am Emily Prentiss"

"Derek Morgan," said the men on her side "And she is the amazing Penelope Garzia," he said pointing at her

"Thanks for the presentation sweaty," said the colorfully dressed woman

"Oh, you help me get to Hotch's office, thanks again. I am Deana Brown, but you can call me Ana or De, yeah" she said nervously

"We have a case, conference room. Brown, you have a bag"

"Yes," she said, Hotch got back to his office "Shoot I left my bag in my car, brb," she said quickly grabbing her identification and heading to the elevator. Seconds later Spencer came back

"Where is the new girl?"

"Getting her bag from her car, conference room we have a case," Morgan said getting some things from his desk Reid did the same thing but approached and see the box in  her desk, he started seeing one of the identifications

Deana Brown

I got out of the elevator and stop when I saw Spencer, she knew he work there but didn't expect to work with him. She slowly approached her desk when he turn to see her "What are you doing here?"

"Working, aren't you happy"

"No, what I mean is what are you doing here, right here"

"You know this is my dream job, I never keep it a secret"

"Yeah, and talking about secrets, no one can know about us"

"What are you... seriously?"

"More than ever"

"Okay if that's what you want" I walk around him and get to the conference room. I sat on the left side of Penelope

"Do you know each other" Morgan asks us


"Yes," we answer at the same time. Everyone looked at us "He gave a seminar at my colleague, I was presenting myself"

Professor Reid | Spencer Reid x OCМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя