PROMISE- episode 1

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It was a bright sunny morning. Sunrays were kissing her face peeping through the window. The birds were chirping in the background and the surroundings were calm until the alarm clock buzzed. She raised her hand and snoozed the alarm and went back to sleep..but suddenly jolted up "Shit!!! Grace it's your first day at work and you're still in bed?!"

She got up abruptly and started doing her morning routine in a hurry. As it was a her first day of work at one of the famous finance company, ORBIT FINANCE LTD. Grace was appointed as the assistant accountant in her department. This was her first ever job after her graduation. After being raised in the orphanage for about 10 years, this year she moved out to live on her own while doing a decent job. Luckily she was selected in the interview and was offered a job in the company.

Grace got donned in a simple yet elegant dress because that's her comfort style. As she lives alone in her apartment, she quickly made herself some eggs with toast for breakfast and left for work.

Standing in front of the company she took a look at the huge building and she could see her future being bright. She entered through the automatic sliding door and headed towards the reception. "Good morning miss! How can I help you?" asked the receptionist. "Um..Good morning. I'm Grace Martin, the new assistant accountant in the Accounts Department", replied Grace.. "Oh, yes. I've been informed about you. The Accounts Department is on the 3rd floor. Here, take your I-card mam and have a good day.", said the receptionist. Thanking the receptionist Grace marched towards the lift when she got a call from the orphanage aunt, Stacy.

Grace- "Oh, good morning Aunt"

Stacy- "A very good morning dear...Did you reach your workplace? How's it? Is it spacious? Are your coworkers good? Have you made any frie-

Grace- "Aunt I know you are very excited but let me tell you I've just gotten here and I'm still waiting for the lift"

Stacy- "Oh, I see... Actually I've been seeing you for the last 10 years and I'm really feeling anxious that you aren't in my sight. Though I'm really happy you've grown up so well and have recovered from the past-

Grace- "Aunt let's not talk about it, anyway the lift is here and now I'll be...Ouch"  As soon as the lift opened Grace tried to walk in as she was busy on the call without even realising someone was walking out and both of them bumped into each other as the other person had a pile of books and files in his hands blocking his eyesight.

Grace almost lost her balance but somehow did not collapse but the books and files surely collapsed and it was a mess... "SHIT", Grace mumbled under her breath.

First day of the job and Grace already made a blunder...What do you think will happen next???

Posting episode 1 with hope🤞🏻
Please enjoy and tell your thoughts =)

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