Old Friends meet again

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We see Morticia and Rachel at the coffee place they are at some times talking to Margaret.

Margaret:So girls how's everything been since working at the park?

Rachel:Same as always.

Morticia:It's alright I guess.

Both Morticia and Rachel sigh.

Margaret:What's wrong girls?

Morticia:It hasn't been the same without him.

Margaret:Who's Him


Margaret:Did something happen?

Morticia:Nothing bad but after his last year of high school and when I was in my third year he left he said He'll be back when it comes time for that but we don't know when he be back but we are still waiting.

Rachel:That's was about the time I dropped out because It wasn't easy for me but Him and Morticia always tried to help me but once he left it just went down hill for me

Margaret:Aw I'm sorry girls I'm sure you three cross paths again

Before Rachel or Morticia could answer the door to the coffee shop open.

Margaret:Sorry girls I gotta go take this customer.


We see Margaret go to the front counter to take the coustmer order.

Margaret:How may I help you sir

Margaret sees what the person Looks like and started to blush.

Y/N:Yes, I'll take a small coffee and a doughnut Ma'am

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Y/N:Yes, I'll take a small coffee and a doughnut Ma'am.

Margaret is still blushing


Y/N snaps his fingers in front of the lady's face and brings Margaret back to earth

Margaret:Sorry that be $4:30

Y/N plays for his stuff

Margaret:And your name?


Once Margaret heard that she might have found Morticia and Rachel lost friend

Margaret:Your order will be ready soon just wait right here.

Margaret goes back to where Morticia and Rachel are playing an arcade.

Morticia:Ha told you I'll win

Rachel:Yeah yeah

Margaret:Hey girls if you don't mind me asking what did your friend look like

Morticia:A purple cat skinny and looks hot.


Margaret:Well go to the front counter and see.

Morticia and Rachel go around to the front counter and see someone they thought they'll never see again.

Morticia:It can't be

Y/N hears who's behind him

Y/N:Morticia and Rachel.

Morticia and Rachel run towards Y/N and hugs him.

Morticia:I can't believe it's you.

Rachel:It's been so long without you here after you left.

Morticia and Rachel cry in Y/N arms after that Y/N and Morticia and Rachel reunion and introduce Y/N to Margaret and they all hangout some and while Y/N eats his doughnut and drink his coffee

Time skip

We see Y/N Morticia and Rachel Walking to the park

Y/N:So how you two


Rachel:It's alright but now you're here we can play video games all night and all the other things we used to do right Morticia.


They keep walking and soon see the park Rachel runs to houses while Y/N and Morticia stay behind and keep walking to the park

Y/N:It's been a while

Morticia:Yeah I missed you alot me and Rachel

Y/N:Well I'm here to stay

They make it to the house and going in

Y/N:So this is where you girls work.


Morticia:It's sometimes fun here but sometimes its hard here at times

Y/N:Well guess what I actually am working here a as park security and have my own room and car here and already meet everyone one that's why I was at the coffee shop because I heard you were there but see you girls tomorrow and have a good night I'm going to have a shower and then sleep

We see Y/N leaves and goes to His room but skips is there waiting.

Skips:So when are you going to tell them when you were still the god of destruction

Y/N:Sooner or later but right now I want to keep on the down low.

Skips:Okay but no matter what they still see you has the old Y/N.

Y/N:I know

Skips leaves as Y/N goes in his room then we go back and see what Morticia and Rachel are doing

Rachel:It's going to be so much more fun with him now.

Morticia:Yeah girl

Rachel:I can't wait so let's get some sleep for tomorrow.

To be continued

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