There's A World Where Dreams Come True (Part 1)

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Lizzie and Josie got off the plane hoping for their dad to be there to pick them up. As the two look around, Josie notices a man standing with a sign with their names on it. "Lizzie," she calls and her twins turns to her. Josie points to the man and Lizzie follows where she is pointing. The two head over to the man, "Who the hell are you," Lizzie asks. "I'm Jack," the man says. "What are you doing here," Josie asks. "Grace told me to pick the two of you up from the airport," Jack says. Lizzie nods, Jack leads them to a limo, "Grace's transportation for the two of you," he explains, noticing the twin's expressions. Lizzie nods, "Okay then," she says, as the two of them get in.

"Well, it worked," Grace says. Klaus looks thoughtfully at Caroline, "Don't even think about it," she mutters. Grace smirks, "Imagine how embarrassed you would be if you sent her a drawing and bracelet," Hope says. Lizzie laughs while Klaus glares at his daughter.

"Hope, I need you to focus," Alaric says as she does a spell. "Look, I'm trying," Hope growls. "I just wish that Satan's nightlight would give us some rest," Grace growls. "Yeah. And I wish that knife was never in our school to begin with," Faith adds. "But it's not like we can change that now. All we can do is make sure we're not blindsided by another monster waltzing through our doors," Alaric says. "Too late," Lizzie says. "Oh, God. Uh, girls. What are you doing here? You're not supposed to get in until tonight," Alaric says. "Mom was able to get us direct into Dulles. Then faxed, texted and e-mailed you our revised itinerary," Josie adds. "I am so sorry. It's-it's chaos around here," Alaric excuses. "It's okay, Dad. We know that you're overwhelmed. But Europe was amazing. And seeing Mom was really good," Josie says. "Elizabeth, how was your transport," Grace asks. Hope and Faith give her a look, "Transport," Alaric asks. Grace looks at the three of them and wraps her arms around Lizzie. "I sent them a limo," Grace deadpans. Hope and Faith turn away, annoyed and Alaric looks at her shocked while Lizzie smiles.

"You know, I really love us," Lizzie says. "I just love you," Grace says. "They are puke inducing," Josie and Hope says.

Grace takes Lizzie's hand and the two of them head to Grace's dorm. Grace leans in and kisses Lizzie, "You have no idea how much I love you," Grace says. Lizzie laughs and smiles, "You have no idea how glad I am to be back," Lizzie says smiling as they kiss again. As the couple continues to kiss, all of the sudden, the both drop.

"What the hell just happened," Kol and Caroline asks.

Grace wakes up in a white hallway, with Hope and Faith. The hallway is lined with doors. "What the bloody hell," Grace says. "Well that spell was wrong," Hope says. Grace turns and glares at her, "I was on my way to having a fantastic reunion with Elizabeth," Grace shouts. Hope and Faith roll their eyes, "Uncle Finn," they shout. "I've been summoned," he says while looking around. "Bloody hell," he adds, "Girls, I need you to make sure that there is not a red door," Finn says. They look around, "No red door," the three say in unison. "Good, because if there was then you three would be in Elijah's mindscape and that would be bad," Finn says. "Yeah, no kidding," Grace says. "Wait, Elizabeth," Grace calls after a moment. "Henrik," Faith calls. "What happened in 1492," Hope reads a door. "Katherina Petrova," Henrik says.

Lizzie and Josie turn to the three Mikaelson girls who turn away and avoid looking at Klaus.

Lizzie wakes up in a living room with Josie, "What is going on," Lizzie asks. Josie shrugs, "I don't know," she replies. "Hope and Faith did a spell and now we are here," Josie says. "Josie," another voice calls and the two turn the voice to see replicas of themselves. "Oh, boy," Lizzie says. "Uh, Grace told me about a spell that her and her cousins did and they can see their dead uncles," Lizzie says. "Okay," Josie says, "And we may need help, so," Lizzie says. Josie nods, "Finn," Lizzie calls. Finn appears, "Hello, Elizabeth, Josette," he says, looking around. "Oh, okay," he says. "What are the Mikaelsons doing," Lizzie asks. "Going through 1492," Finn deadpans. The twins turn to him, "That sounds safe," they mutter at the same time. "Henrik is with them, I guess I'll make sure the two of you stay safe," Finn says. "Because you are afraid that your niece will send you to hell," Josie asks. "No comment," Finn says.

"So you told Lizzie but not us," Freya says. "We haven't told you yet," Faith says. "Yet, means that you eventually will," Elijah says. "Of course," Grace says.

"Why is everyone getting out of the way," Grace asks. "Elijah and Katherine are not moving," Faith adds. All of the sudden Klaus walks from behind them, "Oh," the three of them say. "Hope, I think we are going to see your dad flirt," Faith says. "Hmmm, I don't need to see that," Hope says turning away.

The Mikaelson girls walk around a castle in 1492, looking for their family members. "You know, I realize why Katherine ran away," Grace says. "Because my dad was going to kill her," Hope deadpans. "And that hairstyle," Grace deadpans. Faith rolls her eyes, "Henrik," Grace says. "Tell me how stupid do you think Elijah is for falling for the doppelganger all over again," Grace asks. "You really want my opinion," Henrik asks. Grace nods as they walk into a room. Klaus and Elijah are arguing, "Huh, that is not shocking at all," Grace mutters. "Wait, this is after Katherine turned into a vampire and ran away," Hope says. "I think so, but if it is why hasn't your dad started hunting her down yet," Faith asks. "I give Uncle Nik ten minutes before he shoves a dagger into Uncle Elijah's heart," Grace deadpans. Hope and Faith laugh, "Ten minutes is generous," Henrik deadpans. The girls find the door to get back to the hallway, not needing to see Elijah be daggered.

Klaus smirks, "Maybe because I did not truly hunt her down," he says. Everyone turns to him, "Simply the threat of me hunting her down caused paranoia," Klaus says. Hope gives him a look and then turns to her cousins, "Yet he was hunted by Mikael," she whispers. "Yeah, but her was actually being hunted by Mikael, Katherine thought she was being hunted," Faith says.

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