Malivore (Part 2)

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"We figured out the pattern. The monsters come one at a time. I already had to kill a crazy wraith thing just to find one of you who could communicate about why you want this knife so bad, so it's time to talk," Dorian explains. "Why would I talk to evil creatures who kill?" Alaric asks. "You're a dryad, right? The living spirit of a tree," Alaric says. "Uh, it says here that, uh, dryads were gentle creatures who lived among humans," Dorian says. "Well, we're not your enemy. We're just looking for answers," Alaric says. "Humans are known to lie. So are monsters. There is a man I cherish named Oliver. If you bring him to me, I will believe that you are trustworthy, or what passes for it among your species. Only then will I answer your questions," the nymph says. "Whoa, we're not negotiating, right, Ric?" Dorian says. "Uh...What should we tell this Oliver?" Alaric asks the nymph. "Show him this ring. It belonged to him. He will come with you. I will give no further answers until he does," the nymph replies. "What if we don't take the deal?" Dorian asks. "Trees are patient. Humans are not," the nymph says.

"Harsh," Kol says.

"All right, I got a medieval history paper due at 2:00. Who's on that?" Jed says. "I'll do it. But I need a favor," Raf says. "You've been in the pack for five minutes, and you want a favor from your alpha?" Jed asks. "You're obviously gonna be elected to the honor council. If it comes down to it, will you do what you can to keep Landon in?" Raf asks. "That's a great idea, foster kid. I'll bring that up at the first meeting. So I can make sure your boy gets the boot," Jed says. "Why? I joined the pack. Yo, I'm following all the stupid rules that..." Raf asks. "Well, consider that punishment... for not respecting my authority when you got here. The rule is this: What the alpha says goes. And I say Landon goes," Jed says.

Grace smirks. "This is the only time I will agree with Jed," she says.

"What magic have you employed to search for my Oliver?" Alaric asks. "It's a new spell called Google," the dryad replies. "You're mocking me," Alaric deadpans. "Yeah, but just a little bit. Will you open the window? I would like to feel the breeze," the dryad requests. "Until I know the full extent of your power, I'd rather not," Alaric says tensely. "You do not need to fear that I will deceive you. Unlike humans, dryads do not lie. We choose not to harm. Well, in the human world, sometimes telling the truth can do more harm than good. So, who's this Oliver that Dorian went to go find? Oliver never lied. He was not like the other men who would come into the forest to chop down trees so that their houses could be bigger than other houses. He played music. He would lean against the trees and feel happiness. We fell in love," the dryad tells Alaric. "You should know he might not be around anymore. It's been a... a while since those days you remember," Alaric says. "Oliver made a great sacrifice; he became a vampire so we might be together forever. We decided to meet at the clearing where we fell in love so we could run away. But circumstance got in the way," the dryad says. "Hmm. I feel your pain," Alaric says thinking about Jo, Jenna and Isobel, not to mention the weird and messed up relationship he had with Caroline. "You've also lost a great love," the dryad says. "A psychic tree: check," Alaric mumbles under his breath. "Is your humor helpful in avoiding your pain?" the dryad asks. "Not really, no," Alaric deadpans. "You carry more than one loss," the dryad notices. "Several. Including the mother of my children. But there's happiness there, too. I see it in their smiles, in their laughter. I still see her sometimes," Alaric explains before his phone rings. "Good news, bad news. Our pal Bonnie did her witch thing on the ring. Some sort of combo summoning spell and astral projection," Dorian explains when Alaric answers. "Can someone please tell me what's going on here?" another voice asks. "Oliver," the dryad whispers hopefully. "I'm sorry, do I know you?" Oliver asks. "I'm guessing that's the bad news," Alaric asks. "Yeah," Dorian whispers.

Lizzie and Josie's eyes widen and they realize why their biological mom showed up on their birthday. The Mikaelson girls' eyebrows furrow confused about why they also got a visitor.

Caroline walks into the apartment and turns on the lights, "Jesus, Grace," she says. Grace scoffs and rolls her eyes, "You knew I was here," Grace says. "What are you doing here," Caroline asks. "Uh," Grace says. "You got suspended," Caroline answers. Grace nods, "Grounded," Caroline asks. Grace snorts, "Of course not," she mutters. Grace pulls out a plane ticket, "Your daughters' birthday is coming up and I want you to be there," Grace says. Caroline looks at the ticket, "Who paid for it," Caroline asks cautiously. Grace's eyes widen.

Klaus smirks, and Caroline blushes. Grace's eyes widen, "Well," Grace says.


Grace is going through a jewelry box and pulls out a diamond. "Huh, that was easy," she says. "Keys, keys, keys," she mutters, going into Elijah's study. She pulls out a set of keys and finds a deed to the house in Mystic Falls. "Ah ha," she says. She leaves the room and packs everything into her bag. She goes downstairs, and finds Uncle Nik's wallet. She smirks, she pulls out the black card, "He probably won't even notice," she says.

Klaus, Kol and Elijah glare at Grace, "You stole from us," they ask. "Is it stealing or borrowing," Grace asks. "It's stealing," Rebekah adds.

"Why would you ask that," Grace asks. "I mean a certain blonde haired blue eyes hybrid," Caroline says. "No, he would have to know that I was here," Grace says. Caroline sighs, "Fine," Caroline replies. "Perfect," Grace says. "I just won a bet," Grace mutters, "What," Caroline asks. "Well, Rebekah told me that I would never get you to come to Mystic Falls without threatening you," Grace says.

Rebekah snorts and Caroline laughs.

"Hey, I'm doing it. Now what?" Landon says. "Hold it for ten minutes," Hope deadpans. "What?" Landon asks struggling. As he struggles, Faith sighs. "You can stop. You failed. You have no supernatural strength," Faith says. "What's next?" Landon asks. "Next? You failed the vertical climb, the long jump, and you straight-up refused to swim across the lake," Faith lists "Yeah, well, excuse the foster kid for never having swim lessons. Look, I might suck at-at... everything, apparently, but I only have to pass one test to stay, so I'm not giving up yet," Landon says determinedly. "How's it going?" Emma asks. "Landon was about to run sprints to the lake and back," Faith says. "What are you testing for, exactly?" Emma asks confused. "His ability to get away from me as quickly as possible. If he's gonna stay in this school, it's a must," Hope says. "Did you run the lineage spell that I left you?" Emma asks. "Yeah, first thing. Zero magic in his bloodline," Faith says. "Most humans have some trace of magical blood in their veins from a far-flung ancestor," Emma says. "So what does that mean?" Faith asks. "We need to learn more about Landon's past," Hope says.

"What is his past," Elijah asks. "It's long and complicated," Grace says.

"What's your name?" Hope asks. "Landon Kirby," Landon says. "See? That's the truth. Now lie," Faith answers as the glass ball turns blue. "What's your favorite food?" Hope asks. "Rabbit," Landon says confused. "So it's a... supernatural lie detector," Landon says after a moment seeing the ball turn red.. "Pretty much your worst nightmare," Faith says. "Bring it on, Hope," Landon challenges. "Where were you born?" Hope asks. "I don't know," Landon answers. "Who are your parents?" Faith asks. "My mom's name is Seylah. That's pretty much all I know. She gave me up for adoption when I was young," Landon explains. "And your dad?" Hope asks. "Never met him," Landon answers. "Why can't you be compelled?" Faith asks. "I have no idea. A couple days ago, I didn't even know what compulsion was," Landon says. "Why'd you take the knife?" Hope asks. "I don't know. I don't... I remember doing it, but I don't remember why," Landon tries explaining. "It's not good enough. If we can't figure out what you are, then you can't stay at this school," Hope and Faith say in unison.

"Supernatural lie detector," Grace says with a laugh.

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