NOTE :)))

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I have two very important things to address so please read:

1. So now that Zayn has left 1D, I've got a few DM's saying that I shouldn't recommend Zayn books anymore AND I should delete the earlier Zayn recs.

I'm not gonna call them out but I'm sorry if Zayn books disappoint you coz no, I will NOT delete them NOR will I stop posting them.

Maybe Zayn didn't mean shît to you but to me he was life and it hurt me to great lengths when he left the band. I've cried for days and it still hasn't sunk in that he left.

I get that some of you are mad that he's been making music with greasy sausage but we don't even know if that is true. "I won't mind" could just be a part of NB's next album or it could just be for fun. Nothing is confirmed and till then it is stupid to just jump to conclusions and hate on him.

I don't mind what he did but I will support him nonetheless.

Four in our eyes but FIVE IN OUR HEARTS.


2. That being said, I would like to thank everyone for the 11.6 K reads and all the votes. You might not think its a big deal but it is to me so thank you so much!

Also many of you that vote and comment on this have followed me and now I have like 550 followers so thank you so much for that too!

Thank you of you read this note! I love you all!

Peace out xo ✌🏼️

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