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I bolt upright when the door flies open and my mom bursts into the room.

"Clara, did you just wake up? You're going to miss your bus!" She yanks the covers off my bed, opens the curtains wide, and starts stuffing things in my backpack.

"I... I didn't hear my alarm." I look around, disoriented. I remember going to bed at around 2 a.m. but it feels like I've only been asleep for an hour.

"Jusme, why are you still sitting there? Get dressed already. If you don't leave by 6:30, you'll be late for your 9 a.m. class!"

I run to the bathroom and wash my face. Ugh, I hate it when Mommy's right. No time to shower. I can't be late for my very first college class!

By the time Mang Jhun drops me off at the Angeles City bus terminal, the place is already packed with commuters who are also going to Manila. Like me, many of them are probably studying or working in the capital and only go home to Pampanga during the weekends.

It's nearly 7:00 a.m. by the time I'm able to get on a bus. This is cutting it way too close.

I must have fallen asleep because by the time I wake up, the bus is already pulling into the bus station in Cubao. I hop off and hail a cab. It's going to take another half hour to get to school.

"Argh, why does traffic in Manila have to be so bad?" I moan.

"Oo nga, ma'am. I think there was an accident nearby so it's a lot worse today." The driver turns up the air-conditioning while I fidget in my seat.

When the taxi finally pulls into the school gates, I toss some bills into the driver's hands. "Thank you, Kuya. Keep the change!"

With my heavy backpack bouncing on my back, I sprint toward the math building. Good thing we passed it during the campus tour so I don't have to worry about getting lost.

"Damn, girl, you run fast." A tall guy in basketball shorts and a white shirt falls in step beside me. I groan. Of course it has to be Mickey.

"Yes... I'm pretty... fit... you know... hiking... in Pinatubo."

"Oh yeah, your resort is near the volcano so you must go hiking often. I'd love to try that some time." With his long legs, it seems as if Mickey is just going on a leisurely jog while here I am, running for my life.

We skid to a stop in front of the classroom door. I pull it open and we sneak into the back of the room.

"Well, good morning. It's nice of you to finally join us, Mr. King and... Ms. Liwanag." The teacher looks up from her clipboard, which I assume has a list of our names on it. "It's 9:30 a.m.-you're way past the grace period. The next time you're this late, don't bother coming in." She places her hands on her hips and shoots us both an icy glare.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Ilagan," Mickey coos. "I came from basketball practice and Coach Samuel dismissed us late."

"I don't care if you have practice. It's up to you to tell your coach that you have class. And your girlfriend can't be waiting around for you either. You both need to respect that this time is math time."

"Yes, ma'am. Sorry, ma'am. It won't happen again, ma'am." I stammer, not bothering to correct her. Though it appalls me to be referred to as Mickey's girlfriend, I'm more scared of Ms. Ilagan's scornful gaze.

"Good. Now both of you, sit here where I can keep a close eye on you." She points to two empty chairs in the middle of the front row.

With our heads bowed, we shuffle to the front of the room, trying to ignore the stares and whispers of our blockmates.

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