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"Your majesty, are you sure?" Cao Zhi asked when he told him his plan. "How about Miss Nianian?"

"Nianian will definitely understand. Don't worry, when a wedding isn't completed, it won't be counted as a wedding." He said and sighed. "Go and tell the princess to get ready. I will marry her the day after tomorrow."

"The other day? But, your majesty, we can't prepare in a short period of time."

"You don't need to make it too grand. I am just marrying her for the alliance and to spy on her, you know who I only belong to."

Cao Zhi nodded. "I got it, your majesty." He said and left him. While he keeps replaying what the physician told him today.

The herb is for a pregnant lady and Nianian saw the box of herbs under the princess' bed. It is no secret that the princess is pregnant but he can't just tell everyone without solid evidence of her infidelity.

But, will Nianian get angry because of his plan?

After she had her rest, she was summoned to the Emperor's palace. She immediately went there and was left with the emperor inside. She immediately bowed to him. "Your majesty."

"I decided to marry the princess."

Her world felt like it just crumbled with the Emperor's straight to the point. Well, she knows that the emperor will soon marry the princess but, it is not this soon.

She didn't let the emperor see her face in pain and smiled. "Congratulations, your majesty. After a year of being the emperor, you will finally have an empress by your side."


"When is the wedding, your majesty, so I can get ready to guard the palace to avoid any problems while the wedding is on?"

"The day after tomorrow."

She laughed inside. That soon?

"Okay. Then, I should go and make sure all the corners of the palace should be safe and well-guarded before the wedding. Your majesty, please excuse me." She was about to leave when the emperor called her.

"Nianian, I'm sorry."

She smiled. "It's okay, your majesty. As a guardian, it is my duty to make sure of your safety and happiness."

"You know that's not what I mean."

"Well, that was what I understood. I'll get going, your majesty." She said and left.

She did go and check all of the surroundings and asked Cao Zhi to put guards in every corner. Cao Zhi wanted to use the Wen army since they are more trained and experienced in battle but for some unknown reason, Cao Zhi told her that they don't want to be a guard in the Emperor's wedding.

That's why she and Cao Zhi didn't have a choice but to get a thousand soldiers from the royal army to be a guard on the Emperor's wedding.

After she instructed the soldiers, she returned to the palace and since she wasn't summoned to the Emperor's palace, she just guarded outside while Cao Zhi was inside.

"Your majesty, I have something trivial to report." Cao Zhi said when he got inside.

"Say it."

"Your majesty, me and Miss Nianian visited the Wen army earlier to ask for their help to be a guard on your wedding. But, they said they don't want to, your majesty."

"Why wouldn't they?"

"That's  what is confusing me, your majesty. They told me that they will never attend any wedding of the emperor because they just don't feel it. Also, the generals also told me that they will never attend any wedding of yours unless your bride is their chief. But I remember that the Wen army doesn't have a chief, your majesty."

Royal GuardianOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora