🔥Rose vase (Figure X Gn reader)

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Spicy,but not full on smut

Making out
Male Figure
Lots of tounge stuff
Gn reader (so I apologize if I get some things wrong)
Did not proof read so there will probably be spelling errors :/

Your friend Patricia and John had died a Few Minutes ago,John dying to Rush and Patrica dying to seek.

You entered the giant library,crouching once you noticed the monster.

It was Tall,so F*cking tall. Rows of teeth aligned his mouth,but,something about him was... strangely attractive to you.

Grabbing The book to help out with the code,you forget to crouch,still thinking about the monster currently patrolling,maybe even hunting you down if it knows your their.

'God f*cking d*mmit I need to stop Being down bad for Monsters-' just as you were finishing that thought,your hip bumped into a near by table,a Vase With a singular crimson rose on it shattered to the floor.

Your eyes widened in horror as The crash sounded and the sounds of roaring and Thundering footsteps pounded Towards you.

Quickly diving into a closet,you covered your mouth and squeezed your eyes tightly closed,trying to regulate your heartbeat.

You could hear him outside,His breathing,His growls,everything.

And it made your heart skip a beat.

Suddenly the doors swung open,causing you to scream,watching as the Monster,who You read about as the figure a bit ago in one of the books pages,grabbing you and slamming you down on one of the many tables in the library.

Figure had stared down at your quivering form.

He thought you fear tasted absolutely Divine.

And he was gonna savor it.

Curios and wanted to make you scream in fear,his tongue crawled out of his mouth,licking at the Humans neck slowly.

What he didn't expect though,

Was That they weren't screaming in fear.

They were Moaning in pleasure.

He froze at the sound,lifting his head up away to allow them some space. "W-why the f*ck would you stop? If your gonna Kill me,at least F*ck me first so I don't die a Vir-"

You were interrupted as figure's tongue slithered out again,wrapping against your own,His Claws Gripped the Table,His hips On top of your own,Raising one knee your Cr*tch area,Pushing deeper into you to get a better angle.

'Dear god,this is heaven!!' You thought,absolutely enraptured. The way he squeezed your hips and Dove in Drew you absolutely insane.

He let go,giving you some time to gasp for air before He let out an Animalistic growl.

"Oh,I'm still F*cked."

"Arn't I?"

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