How my day went.

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I did well...
It makes me wonder how the thought of changes by time
Some say time heals while other say ' you just get used to the grief'
But I believe time gives you that time to realize what you should have
Time tells you, ' you learnt your lesson, there is tomorrow'.
Within a span of months I have learnt to do better things things I love, value.
At my tender age of fourteen... I dropped my will of power (perhaps want to control all things around me).
It doesn't come easy tho ☺️
I could count a handful of times that I thought, "I'm perfect, why won't they listen?"
But then I realized no matter how much we were created in God's image we were never meant to be like him, never meant to control... We humans should stick to our perfect imperfection( nothing suits us better).
We all come and we go.
Our lives in the hands of fate for it chooses the time that we come and most likely when we depart for the lovely generations we pave paths for with the hope that they would make better choices to surpass that we have done.
Why not spend your days in liesure and enjoy things you can.
If you are blessed to have a roof over your head and food in your bellies and If not, there is hope.
You may wish to carry on with life and the free will it brings.
For I should remind you that your situation is your wish
Every of our experience is spun out of perspective.
Perhaps some day you will connect on these  thoughts of mine for they are my precious assets.
You may go to bed with this invaluable knowledge I have spunned of my short fourteen gracious years or see it as words of a young fool.
For in this life no one owns your choices but you, so hope... Hope that you make the right ones.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2022 ⏰

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