Chapter 6: The information and The anouncement

Start from the beginning

I perked up,"Yes! That's a great idea Mira! What about...umm... the beach! I know a great place by the coast!"

She smiled,"Perfect! Oh dear Lucy, arnt going to be late? You said you were going somewhere?"

I got up quickly and grabbed my stuff,"Thanks Mira! Please tell master about the vacation idea!"

I ran for the guild door,"Will do!" I heard her shout.

I stopped in front of a vintage looking cafe. A waiter came up to me and asked if I needed any help.

"I'm meeting someone here... she's got grey hair, and has a Fairy Tail guild mark on her arm." I told him, he nodded and showed me the table where the lady I had described was sitting at. She didn't notice me sit down, because she nose deep into a very interesting looking book.

I giggled,"Good morning Janet."

She looked up startled," Oh, dear me. My apologeeze my child... I didn't see you!"

Janet works at the towns library, and since I spend most of my time there, I have befriended her. She is a sweet lady, and is always recommending new books to me.

"Its alright." I said smiling.

She put down the book, sipped her tea and folded her hands,"Now... what did you need to talk to me about?"

Since Janet has read every book in the library, I thought I would see if she knew anything about....

"What do know about the dragon kingdom?" I asked, trying not to sound too excited.

She frowned," The dragon kingdom? My dear, that kingdom has been in ruins for many years! Why do you ask?"

I quickly thought of a lie," I... I just heard someone talk about it, and it sounded interesting..."

"Oh well... I do know a few legends of the royal family that ruled the kingdom before it collapsed."

I became very excited. I waited to hear her story.

"The king and queen had a baby girl, with beautiful golden hair, And another family, that was very close with the royal family had a son 2 or so years before. The queen knew that her child and the son of the other family, was very special... so the kingdomes councel agreed that the two of them would be wed. Sadly... and if I remember correctly, the boys mother died when he was a baby. Her name was... uhhh... Linara! Yes that's it.." that's her name.

"...It has been told that the princess, if she didn't die... would be so powerful!"

I despratly wanted to tell her that I was the princess, but I didn't know what would happen if I did.

"Powerful? In what way?" I asked.

She shook her head, "I'm afraid that's all I know, that's all the information the archives have."

I sat back and buried my face in my hands.

This is so annoying...

Janet glanced at her wrist watch, "I really must be going! Can't leave the library unattended for too long."

I nodded and smiled," Yes of course, thanks for the information!"

Information I already knew!

And with that the old lady left, leaving a disappointed me alone in the cafe. I wandered if the reason I can't find any information about the dragon kingdom, was because Linara wasn't letting me... I know that theory sounds strange, but that doesn't mean its wrong right?

I left the cafe after a strawberry milkshake, but Miras ones are way better. I looked up and saw a beautiful sunset, spread over the sky like a painted canvas. Not long after I was in the guild, shouting at Gray to put a shirt on. Our arguing was interrupted when master Makarov jumped on our table, giving us a heart attack.

"Listen up you brats!" He boomed. We looked up at the small old man, waiting for what he had to say, "Natsu is coming downstairs!"

We gasped, whisperes filled the room.

"Does that mean Wendy gets to finally heal him?" I asked excitedly.

'That's right, his burns are not that serious anymore. Its safe for Wendy to heal him." The master smiled.

"You guys talking about me?" My eyes widend at the sound of his voice. I looked up and there he was, standing at the top of the stairs grinning from ear to ear. Bandages covered his neck and around his throat. He walked down the stairs waving and bowing like a idiot.

"Jeeze... you don't need show off." Gray mummled.

Natsu looked at him with a stupid smile, "Just admit it ice breath... you missed me!"

After a few laughes and welcomes, it was my turn to welcome him back. I hugged him trying to avoid his burns. He hugged me back, but realised after a while that I wasn't letting go... and I didn't even notice how long our hug was.


We pulled away quickly, our faces were blood red.

"Now that the welcomes are over.... Natsu and Wendy, if you will." Master gestured to them.

They nodded. Natsu removed his bandeges, showing a red and blistared ring around his neck and throat. Every time I see it, I want to cry. He knelt down in front of Wendy, and bowed his head so that his burn was showing. She placed her hands above his head and closed her eyes. She breathed deaply, trying to concerntrait. A magic circle appeared in front of her hands, and droplets of light orbs fell on Natsu's neck, they seemed to ubsorb into his skin. After a while she opened her eyes and moved her hands away, she smiled at the result.

The blisters had disappeared, and the redness was gone. We cheered in delight. The boys were playfully slapping his back, and he laughed along with every one. I felt like running to him and hugging him again, but I knew it would just embarress him. And even though I told myself, that today would be the day were I would talk to him about the confessions... I knew I shouldn't, I'm going to wait just a tiny bit longer. I wanted to let him be happy first.

"Great! Now I can EAT!!!"

"Hold on Natsu." The master chuckled, "I have an anouncment to make first... Lucy has offered to take us all on a vacation, to the coast!"

The guild cheered and thanked me unison. I smiled brightly and looked at Natsu...

Yes... I will wait... until we are at the coast.

I know you are getting impationt...

Where is the NALUUU!!! AHHHH!!!

Don't get you knickers in a twist my lovelies!

I PROMISE YOU!!! its coming!!! Just wait a little longer :p

Oooh... and Gruvia is coming too!!!!

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