Chapter 21: Trying to Move On

Start from the beginning



"Liam, you can't keep avoiding me."

"How did you get my new number?" Liam demanded, gritting his teeth.

"You taught me how to do this. But that's not important. You need to come back here right now, or - "

"Or what? What's the point of me being there when Harry won't be happy? I just want him to be at his happiest. He doesn't feel the same way about me, so why would I ruin that for him? I'm not gonna force him to fall in love with me, Jade. I know that's wrong. I know I was wrong."

Jade groans and says harshly into the phone, "You don't even know how he really feels about you! That's why you need to come back. Please, Liam. He'll tell you that he lo- "

"I don't need you to keep lying to me too, Jade. I said I'm never coming back so he can be happy. That's what I'm doing."

"Staying away from him is not making him happy!"

"Of course it does. Harry wants nothing to do with me, and that's better for him. That much was clear from the beginning. He never felt the same way about me, Jade. He never has and never will. But I chose to ignore that and kidnapped him anyway. That made him hate me even more. I was wrong - I did so many things that were wrong to him and his friends. This is my way of making it up to them," Liam stated, then sighed heavily.

He had a hand over his eyes, trying to stop the tears that were threatening to fall. But he couldn't cry now. He hasn't done that since the day he left Harry. He didn't have a right to cry over that anymore. He made his decision and he's sticking to it.

"Jade, - "

"He doesn't hate you," she cut in, leaning back in the chair she's seated on. "That's the last thing he feels about you, Liam. Trust me."

"... You want me to TRUST you?"

"I mean - "

"You betrayed me, Jade. You chose their side over mine."

"Liam, I only did that because I was worried about you. You've never done something like what you did to Harry. You've never gone that far before. I wanted to stop you before you did something you would regret more than anything. But I was too late," she reasoned desperately.

The brown-eyed lad stayed quiet for a minute, thinking over what she said. However, Jade could feel that this conversation would be ending soon, and that wasn't what she wanted.

If she had to keep talking and begging, you bet she'd do it.

"I don't regret leaving," Liam finally responded softly, barely audible to Jade, who scoffed at him.

"You're not convincing me, Payne."

"Doesn't matter if I convince you or not. I'm not coming back, okay? Just leave me alone and don't call me again, Jade. I'm moving on with my life. I have to do this."

"We both know you want to come back here to Harry."

"And I'm telling you right now that I'm not - That's not happening. Bye, Jade."

"Wait! Liam - "

The line goes dead then, making Jade throw her phone at the wall. She didn't even care that it smashed into pieces. She was absolutely frustrated that she finally got a chance to talk to Liam, but once again she failed to convince him to do the right thing.

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