Chapter 9

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TW: fear, slight mention of harassment

From your perspective:

I stared at the ceiling my eyes heavy, I could hear the sound of my own heart beating. It felt slower than it was a weeks ago.

The silence was interrupted by teeth grating dreadful sound. I had hoped it was just my imagination that night I first heard it.


I shut my eyes and tried to ignore its screaming, but I couldn't for long. Soon I found myself standing next to the phone hand shaking as I held it up to my ear. "H-hello..?" I asked my eyes still shut not wanting to believe it.

"Y/n~" a voice said into the phone, I screamed loudly and began crying. I hung up the phone and sat on the bed spending the next 5 minutes calming myself down.

It wasn't couldn't have been..right..?

. . .

I heard the sound of the metal door sliding open, I quickly wiped my tears and looked up. He stood in the door way holding the tray of food. My stomach felt like it had been put through a blender, the thought of digesting anything made me sick.

"Y/n~" he said in a singsongy voice, he was the only thing that I wanted. I waited for him to join me and he sat against the wall on the mattress handing the food to me. I pushed the tray aside and laid my head in his lap, he wasn't sure what to do at first but after a moment he placed a gentle hand on my head and ran his fingers through my hair.

"You're not gonna eat?" He asked quietly I closed my eyes, "no..I'm not very hungry.." I said.

After a few minutes of us just sitting in our mutual silence, I mustered up the courage to ask "w..who was it..? Yesterday you came in with blood on your shirt..who was it..?" I ask cowardly.

His hand paused its back and forth motion, " I didn't do anything to them..but they  weren't company you'd keep..." he said and continued his hand. "They were two boys from your school" my breath hitched a bit, two?

"One was tall with curly blonde hair and a short one with buzzed black hair from the sound of their conversation the only thing they want is what women can provide." He said, his voice became dark and angry.

"Nelson and Tony..?" I asked my voice barely above a whisper "If you say so" he answered. I had know them since middle school, they had always been that way, weather it was wandering hands under a desk or an unwanted cat-call while you were walking home. All the girls on the school knew to avoid them, part of me was happy it had been them.

"I have to go upstairs now" he said and stood up and left the tray of food. I could feel my heart sink as I was left wondering would the phone ring more after he left?

I watched him as he left, the door opened letting in a little bit of light then just as soon as it came it was gone.

A few days later in the grabbers point of view

I sat in the living room reading the days paper and smiled a little as I saw the new boy's pictures, those naughty boys..look where the got themselves.

"Two new ones" I said to Max as he shot up from the couch and snatched the paper from my hands. I sighed and rolled my eyes watching him as he darted through the paper mumbling to himself. "F-Friday..!? That was only t-two days ago!" He shouted and began looking at his map.

I wasn't worried about him actually finding out who had been killing all those people so I enjoyed entertaining his fantasy. He likes to think he's helping the detectives on this case.

Knock knock knock

Sampson, my dog,began barking at the door and growling. I grumbled and pulled him away into my room as Max answered the door.

"Hello I'm detective Wright and this is detective Miller, we're here to ask you two if you've seen these two boys." I listened as I stood in the hall next to the door. "They went missing two days ago after leaving school to get some supplies from a hardware store" another man said. Max..don't you dare...

"Come in..! I-I was just reading about them..I-I've been looking into this myself a-and from what I've gathered the grabber has to be kidnapping them from somewhere around here!" He began.

I come out from the hall, "oh I'm sorry I didn't realize we had company.." I said and glared at Max, "I assume you two are here for the missing kids?" I asked, both men nodded.

"Well I haven't seen anything unfortunately and..I apologize for my brother he's a little.." I rub my nose a bit "out of it..". The detectives nod in understanding, Max looks around the room and sighs. "We'll let you know..if..if we see anything." Max says looking to the ground.

The detectives leave and I shut the door behind them. "Goddamnit Max" I say as I turn around to face him. He looks at me with worried eyes, "Come on and I both know I'm on to something..I can feel it. I'm so close to figuring this out..I know I am." He said walking close to me and putting a hand on my shoulder.

I shake my head and shrug off his hand walking back to the couch and continue to read the rest of the paper. I had other things to worry about..

My y/n hasn't been eating, no matter what I bring her she refuses it. I reminded myself of what she looked like form the last time I saw her. I can see her frame shrinking slightly and her skin became more pale and she carried bags under her beautiful eyes.

I can feel it in my gut, something was wrong and she's not telling me. I only can hope it's not what I imagine.

Shitty chapter today yall I'm sorry 😭 I've been having horrible writers block and I'm exhausted from school so unfortunately no chapter tomorrow but I will be writing.

Also I have already decided on an ending for the book and I think that's what's holding me back from writing mainly because I'm horrified no one is gonna like it but oh well 😀🔫 it's only like 4000+ people reading no pressure lol

Thank you all for almost 5,000 reads it's absolutely insane

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