Chapter 2

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TW: language

I woke up to a dim room, the four walls that surround me were unfamiliar. Concrete walls with one large vent about 12ft high and a large door.

The details were faint due to my vision still being blurred. 'What the fuck happened..?' I asked myself although I had already known.. I had been captured by the grabber and I would soon die.

I blinked hard trying to fix my sight I squinted and rubbed them a bit. Little by little some details were coming back. The first thing I noticed was a shadow like figure not too far from where I was. I stared a bit trying to make out what it was.

"How are they?" A muffled voice asked making me tense up, so there was someone else here. It was the grabber I was sure of it. "You're eyes.." the voice asked again, "how are they?"

I paused.."blurry.." I said my voice not above a whisper.

"I'm sorry, you gave me no choice" the voice said. I could tell now the voice was crouching against the wall. The shadow stood and made its way to me. "After all you did put up a fight.." he said referring to the gash I put in his calf.

I backed up a bit till my back hit the wall, I could see now the person had a mask. I could feel tears forming in my eyes. I had tried my hardest to not show fear but the forever smiling mask with horns that stared back at me just made everything so real. I sniffled and tried to look away from him but he was about a foot away from me now.

I could see him raise a hand to my face, he gently placed his palm on my face and wiped my tear. "I..I didn't mean to make you cry" he said through the mask, I could hear the frown on his face.

"I'll go." He said in deep raspy voice.

I heard him walk away and close the door 'he didn't lock it' I paused and wiped my tears. Why did he apologize? Why not lock the door? Was he watching me sleep? Why was he so gentle..?

I took a few deep breaths and tried to calm down and take every detail I could down mentally.

He sounded so I've met him before, but that's not possible. I would've remembered seeing him..right?

I want to run out the door and just take my chances of an escape but what if he's waiting up there?

Fuck..ok think y/n don't be stupid..

I stood up but fell due to being light headed and exhaustion. I slowly stood up this time and wobbled around the room, that's when I saw the small hallway leading to the bathroom. I quickly stumbled to the toilet and took of the cover where the clean water was and I washed out my eyes. I could feel the relief washing over my body.

I wiped my eyes and I could see clearly again.

I walked back to the main room and saw what I had been sitting on, a beat up dirty mattress. I sat down with my knees to my chest. 'What am I supposed to do now?' I could feel the heaviness in my eyes so I laid down and welcomed sleep.


I woke up to the sound of the large metal door scraping open. I looked over to the door and there he was. He didn't come in, this time he stood ominously in the door way. It was dark so I couldn't see his masked face, only his waist down.

"The door was unlocked, at any time you could've left. Why didn't you?" He asked in that familiarly playful voice. I didn't answer..I didn't really have one. Why didn't I leave? Or at least try..?

"I asked you a question." He said in that scary deep voice. "I-I don't know.." I said.

"Hmm..Here's one you might know. What's your name?" He asked still there in the door way.

Do I lie? Should I just tell him? What dose it matter?

"Y/ name is y/n.." I said quietly.

He stepped into the room finally and his mask was now a frown. "Wonderful..! It's a pleasure to meet you y/n" his voice now contradicted the mask, he was cheerful.

I nodded and backed up against the wall again as he sat on the edge of the mattress. "There's no need to be frightened..I won't hurt you" he says but this brings me no ease.

"I understand." He said looking down.

"Tell me about yourself..y/n" he said and looked at me.

I could tell now that this mask only covered half his face, did he have multiple masks? With the top half of his face uncovered I could see his eyes and I stared into them. Something about them made me feel a certain..comfort.

"Like what?" I asked looking away from him praying i hadn't stared long enough for him to notice. "Anything.." he said twiddling his fingers.

"W-well im an only child and my parents work all the time so I'm home alone a lot..I have..I have one best friend who is probably worried about me.." I said sadly the tears starting again.

"Do you think she'll be looking for you?" He asked. He didn't sound worried or concerned just curious.

I paused for a moment, I hadn't thought about it till now..had anyone been looking for me? I knew I wasn't popular and my parents didn't really care much for me but was anyone searching for me? Had anyone even noticed I was gone?

"You poor thing.." he said as I tried to stop crying. I felt arms wrap around me and a hand petting my head. What the fuck is happening..? Why is he hugging me? I found myself becoming less tense under his touch. I closed my eyes and rested my head on his chest. I don't understand whats going on but for now I won't question it..

"Why me?" I asked quietly and he continued to pet my head. "Would you like to see a magic trick?" He asked hesitantly.

My eyes shot open..

I knew I recognized him..

Inevitable • The Grabber x Reader •Where stories live. Discover now