Chapter 3

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TW: abuse and language

As I sat there in shock while he still pet my head it all began to piece together..

"I know, you must be shocked and I do apologize" he said pulling away from me. Something in me still wanted his touch. "I suppose you were honest with me so I'll do the same now." He continued.

"That morning I showed you that magic trick was not our first time meeting." He said sitting crisscross on the mattress. "I first saw you in the grocery store near the park you walk past on your way to school. You bumped into me and apologized, I'm not entirely sure why but I followed you home that day..and the following week" he explained. I sat and listened part of me was horrified that I had been stalked and I didn't even know.

"The night I captured you was a coincidence to be honest" he laughed a little. "I happened to be driving around to take my mind off things when I saw you walking home. I parked the van and started following you on foot." He explained.

"...did you know then? My name and the small details I told you about me? Had you already known that?" I asked looking up at him quickly, he nodded. "So why bother asking?" I questioned.

He laughed more "to see if you would lie to me..but you haven't're the only one who hasn't lied..things are very different this time" he said his mind trailing off a bit. After coming out of his thoughts he handed me a newspaper with my face on it.

I paused before asking another question, "w..what would've happened if I did lie..?"

I looked up at him and he was standing now, the light cast a horrifying shadow over his mask and his eyes were dark and no longer playful. "Don't." He said and walked out of the room once more.

I was left with my thoughts..I stared at the door chewing on my lip and picking at my skin. I cant take it..I need to try at least once..I need to know what's behind that door.

I stand up quietly and pull the door open just enough for me to squeeze through. There behind the door was a staircase leading to another door. So I was in a basement..I slowly crept up the stairs each one creeping under my foot. Once I had reached the top I twisted the knob and walked through.

I was in a small kitchen..I turned the corner and that's when I saw him.

There in the middle of the dimly lit kitchen was the grabber. His mask had changed again..this time it had no mouth and covered his whole face. His shirt was unbuttoned and in his hand was a leather belt.


I took a breath and started to bolt to the basement I could hear his footsteps approaching as I had made it to the 2nd step. I felt a boot against my back and floor leaving from beneath my feet.

I crashed into the basement door my head colliding first. The room was spinning and I felt my hair being grabbed as I was dragged back into the room. I was thrown to the floor as he stood over me.

"You had been doing so good.." I heard him say, I started crying "p-please I'm sorry..!" I cried out.

"I win" I hear him say with a smile as he lifts the belt and starts hitting me with it. I cried out more begging him to stop and eventually he did.

He threw the belt aside and picked me up by my hair. "Listen next time and you might win" he threw me to the ground and walked out of the room grabbing his belt as he did so.

I could feel my lip bleeding and my skin stung from where he hit me. I crawled to my bed and curled up and cried trying to call out for help.


I woke up to the grabber staring at me from the corner of the room, he was crouching again just watching.

I tense up and curl up against the wall, I can taste blood on my mouth from earlier. How long was I asleep..?

"I'm sorry y/n.. I just did what I had to.." he said from his corner. He stood and walked over too me with a tray.

I looked away from him a little frightened, he knelt on the mattress and placed the tray in front of me. "I need you to eat" he said. I looked at him the light shining on me now he could see the damage he'd done.

The mask changed again..this one was just the top half. I could see him holding back a smile, I looked at him then the tray of eggs. "Right..what's in that.?" I asked

"Salt and pepper" he said laughing a bit.

I looked away from the food, then I felt a hand on my face. I jumped a bit and faced him, he had moved closer. My heart sped up and I couldn't look away from his eyes. He wiped my lip and I winced. He looked at the blood on his thumb and said "I'll bring something to clean that."

He stepped away and I blushed deep red, why do I feel drawn to him..?

I began to eat the eggs with my hands as there was no fork. My body thanked me for finally eating. I chugged the sprite down and placed the cold bottle to my face feeling a little relief.

A few moments later the door opens again and he comes in to the room with a first aid kit.

I sit with my knees to my chest and stare at the mattress not wanting to look at him in fear of two things, one he'd start to hit me again and second I wouldn't want to look away.
WoOoOo look at you making it 3 chapters in 🫣 anywho just wanted to say again I'm trash at writing so sorry if the story get sidetracked but hope you're enjoying it

Also sorry for the cliffhanger hehe just felt right

Inevitable • The Grabber x Reader •Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin