The fame causes a lot of tension. They breakup and makeup a couple of times and God does Billy wish he could give the boy a ring so he'd never even think about "needing space". All he ever wanted is Steve but Steve is terrified he'll jeopardise his career. Billy has told him time and time again that nothing matters more than them, why does he never listen? Steve's insecurities have grown watching his life-partner of so long be shipped with woman after woman, called an eligible bachelor, a player, too many damn rumours. He lets the tabloids get to him a bit too much earlier in their relationship and it creates a wedge between them that, at the time, they hadn't been sure they'd get past.

Then tragedy struck. Or rather, a series of unfortunate events. First came the death of Billy's asshole alcoholic father. Neil Hagrove died alone in a small, dirty apartment, dangling from the ceiling fan. Billy let himself cry and didn't hate himself for it. He was allowed to be weak. No, he deserved to break now more than ever. After everything that man put him through, things no one but him would ever have the memories of, no one deserved it more. Steve stays by his side every step of the way, even on the days his anger is so much that it bursts out in waves.

His mother showed face for the funeral, too but he soon found out she'd sought him out to get whatever cash she could out of him. Everyone else had been able to tell and Steve's attempts to get it through to him cost them their relationship for a while. But she was the only good part of his childhood so he let her do it. Sent her on her merry way stinking of money and ran right back into Steve's arms. Afterwards, they didn't breakup again. Steve finally realised Billy needs him just as much as he does, swearing not to let his fears get the best of him again.

After over a decade of a lot of messy, they finally found their rhythm. They had a lot of issues between them but the love was more. It was always more. So Billy and Steve they remained and on it went, watching friends old and new get married and have children, sharing meals and a house and achievements together. Billy wins multiple other awards here, Steve is honoured for a decade of service in the educational sector there, they adopt dogs. Life is good. It can't get any better than this.

About twenty years after they first get together, Billy is sat in an interview about his latest movie. The droll of Hollywood is getting to him. He does enjoy the acting, the performance and he's rather proud of the messages some of his films have put out. He's sort of pissed at everything else. The lies and fakeness, all the bigotry. He's had to listen to homophobia, sexism, racism, the whole ballgame of bullshit. There are too many creeps and dickheads and if he didn't love his job and how his work had such an effect on people, he would've been happy to settle down working at that old diner for the rest of his days.

"Breaking News- sorry to cut you off, Mr Hagrove. We'll get back to him in a moment but first, it seems those lgbts finally got someone to do their bidding. Can you believe it, Mary, the state of Massachusetts has legalised gay marriage!"

"Shocking news, Trent, how vile can these people be. Pushing their abomination of an agenda- America is in a whole lot of trouble."

"They'll certainly get what's coming to them..."

Billy has spaced out. The anchors are spit-balling back and forth, going on about their hatred for the gays while he just sits there, dazed, with the slightest smile on his face. He blinks back into focus when the lady touches his arm, her smile a little too bright. He resists the urge to rip his body away from her.

"How do you feel about this, Mr Hagrove? Surely a masculine man like you has some opinions to share on what these godforsaken homosexuals are doing."

"Ah. Err... Umm..." Usually, Billy would deflect a question like that. Laugh it off awkwardly, scratch his neck, steer the topic in another direction. He's damn good at it too, being the handsome ball of endless charisma he is but something feels different, this time. The fire that always rages bitterly against his gut as he pretends nothing could ever affect him burns too brightly to ignore. And then he's thinking about Steve and the words are slipping out of his mouth with no inhibition because all he wants right now is to be home with the love of his life, all he wants is to do what he's been desperate to for almost two decades.

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