Day Ten

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"You've been crying. Either that or it's the alcohol." In the quiet of the night, Billy finally brought up what had been bothering him. Steve's eyes were red, completely devoid of their usual spark in the dim light.

"Well, so have you, Billy."

"Well yeah but I have reason to cry. A lot of em, really. What are you crying for?" Steve stared blankly at a wall, the question resounding in his mind. What was he crying for? He was meant to be the happy-go-lucky one. To keep his feelings down so it didn't drag anyone else's mood with him. But he figured Billy was always sad so it didn't hurt to share, for once.

"I think I'm like that with them because... Because I never really got that whole experience."

"... I'm sorry, what?"

"You said I'm like a mom with the kids. And you're right. I am, I think. It's cos I don't feel like I have those. A mom. A dad. Sometimes, I just want to be taken care of, too. I know what it's like to not get the doting on that you should get from a parent. So I... I put all my effort into being a good big brother figure for them. If their parents can't be there for these kids especially when they've fought fucking monsters from another dimension, then why not me?"

He stayed quiet a moment. Both young men quietly processed the words, Steve's face even more glum now. He prepared to apologise but Billy spoke before he ever could. "You don't have to help everyone and be there for everyone all the time, Steve. You can't just sacrifice yourself like that."

"Yes... Yes, I do. If I'm not then what worth do I bring to any relationship I have, really? I'm stupid. I work- no, worked at a fucking ice cream place because I wasn't smart enough to go to college. All I'm worth is what I can do for people. Why else would anyone want a friendship with someone like me, why else-"

"You're an idiot. You're just- fucking hell. I can't believe you think like this, Steve. What the fuck."

"I'm... sorry...?"

"You're great, Steve. Great. Say it."


"Say. It."

"...I'm great."

"Yes. You are. King Steve, King of the world. You're worth so much more than what you think. Every single part of you is wonderful. Okay? And anyone would be lucky to be friends with you. You may say dumb shit but the fact that you aren't homophobic alone makes you one of the smartest people I know. You may talk a lot but it's all worth listening to because you're saying it. You've helped me a lot so it's time I helped you. Stop putting everyone's problems on your head. At least for tonight. Get some sleep, dummy."

"That's like... The nicest thing anyone's ever... Oh wow... I thought you were dumb in highschool, who knew such pretty words can come from your mouth? Pretty... Pretty... Your eyes are... So pretty... You're face is so pretty... And your hair... And your arms are just... Mm..." Steve melted on the spot, snuggling into Billy's shoulder.

"I... really hope the scientists didn't hear a word of that."

"Mhmm..." Billy sighed and picked Steve up, slipping his hands under his legs and dumping him on his own mattress. Thus was getting way too weird. And weirder still, he didn't even mind it. "No! Cuddle! Move over, Billy, I'm staying with you!"

"I'm not your boyfriend, Stevie." He whined in reply and Billy sighed once again, a cheeky smile growing on his face.

"Be a good little boy for me and stay on your bed, Harrington?" He chuckled to himself, expecting to get a shove or yell in reply. He definitely did not expect that Steve would immediately stay in place, instead. He'd used that line many a time in bed and it worked on some and didn't on some. It seemed Steve was among the first bunch. Why the hell had he brought thoughts about sex into it? He cursed under his breath, turning to Steve when he spoke.

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