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Justin: dude I'm lowkey nervous now

Darren: why tf we always go to parties

Justin:nah but I heard this one is like big bro

Darren: shitt fr?? Seb stay next to me full time dont go wandering by yourself

Seb: tf ur only a year older than me Darren u dont gotta boss me around

Darren: I'm not playing around sebastian stay next to me u dont know how these parties can get.

Ryan: damn mah boi called u by his gov name

*Justin and kane laughed*

*At the party*

Kane: woah this place is huge

Justin and ryan: ong

Seb: this is the place?

Darren: yah

Seb: how you kno-?


*Char ran and hugged Darren*

Darren: yoo char wsg guys this us my childhood bestie char shes hosting this party

Char: hey everyone

*Everyone smiled and greeted char except seb*

Seb pov: arent they being a little too friendly and touchy with each other darren was so grumpy earlier now it's as if his whole mood changed........

Justin: SEB!!

Seb: HUH-?!

Justin: dude u spaced out anyways were heading inside come on

Seb: oh alright


Ryan: uh imma get a drink or sum u guys want anything

Justin and seb: nah I'm good

Ryan: aii I'll be right back dont move

Justin: where tf did darren go

Seb pov:this is the worst I thought darren would stick by me the whole time but be ditched me for a bunch of girls....i hate this i thought he liked me what a fucking jerk

*Justin noticed seb was upset but he also understood darren didn't mean anything and was just distracted since char was his closest friend who he hasn't seen in forever and a bunch of his old friends r at this party while as he sees seb everyday but he also gets how seb feels left out and upset and is probably overthinking*

Justin: seb?

Seb: hmm

Justin: yk darren rlly likes u

Seb: yah that's what I thought too

Justin: I'm being serious seb

Seb: idk justin I thought he may have liked me back but nowadays I feel like he only ever gets mad at me and hes losing feelings

Justin: no seb it's not like that darren is just an idiot with anger issues hes also rlly stubborn hes liked u for so long he gets angry whenever one of us play with u or flirt with u he'd literally kill anyone who laid there hands on u and earlier he yelled at u because he wanted to protect u because theres weird creepy ppl at parties and even tho it's only a 1 year age difference between him and you he still cares alot for u and worries he also only has eyes for u the other day when he made fun of your hair I caught him looking at a pic of u that he took that next morning and he tells me how he thinks it so pretty and cute.

Seb: ...he kept that picture..?😶

Justin: that's the only thing you heard.....?😑

Seb: no I mean thx justin fr that put me more at ease I get it I'm just being dramatic it's just we both haven't been like a couple or acted like flirty after that and I've been overthinking alot cuz he acts almost as if we never kissed and confessed to each other and I never asked if were like dating or well what tf we r

Justin:I get it seb but it's not like that I promise and u should talk to darren about that one thing in fs is she wants u so bad and wont stfu up about it to me. So pls just be his boyfriend so me and ryan can sleep in peace......

*Seb laughs*

Seb: yeah ok I'll speak to him later

Justin: good

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