Couldn't arlo go in group one? Hell I'd prefer having blueberry bitch was on our team instead, though i hate every single fucker here.. minus sera of course

"Ill search alone."
Arlo speaks up, seemingly just as annoyed as me with the pairings

"Thats how every white boy dies in horror movies"
I hear sera say from behind me

The group bursts into laughter, forgetting arlos demand and heading inside in their respective groups anyways


Though being in a group with arlo sucks, ill gladly put up with his bs if i get to watch john shake like a leaf at every creak.. heh.. this is what he gets for bullying me in poker yesterday.

Though ive been enjoying his unusually sheepish nature theres something slightly more sinister in the air.

Why does it seem like John is avoiding Arlo? Vise versa

This entire 10 minute walk has just been them refusing to make contact, though i know its a bit hard since we're in something like a conga line
(john infront me, arlo infront of him then me in the very back)

I know arlo is an asshole sometimes..hence the name asslo..but from what i can remember they've only met once or twice

Did something happen while i was gone?...

No..did arlo do something while i was gone?..


I spin my head around, earning a gasp from john

"Hey did you guys hear that?"
I say with honest curiousity

"Hey those jokes are so old fashioned sera.."
He says, doubt lacing his voice

"No i actually heard something"

"Yeah yeah sure, and lemme went ...oooOOooOo"
waving his hands, trying to mock a ghost

I Roll my eyes and turn back to the location of the sound

Was it a cat? Or maybe a raccoon..though i've never heard a raccoon meow in my life


A smirk pops onto my lips

Im sure it'll be fine if i go check it out, if anything scary pops up John can just cling onto arlo or something

I slowly treck into the hallway i heard the sound come from


"Remmmiiiiii..." A loud exasperated groan sounds behind me

"We've checked this room five times already...!"

"I know isen, but you never know if you're missing something!" I say satisfied

A loud sigh escapes all three assistants

"Ah i found it!" Confidently blurting out

"Wait what?? really?" Blyke gets up out of his crouching position to inspect the book

"Huuh??..she actually found it in here?" Isen says dumbstruck

"Yea! Now we just have to tell the others and get outta here!" My eyes sparkle with joy






The sound of heels on marble flooring reverberates through the walls, every motion sending small tremors down our spine

We all stood gawking at the doorway we came from, seemingly in disbelief at the fact someone else was accompanying us in the school building so late at night

As soon as the heels halted, as if on instinct we all ducked, Elaine hiding behind a counter trembling small hands failing to cover her mouth, Blyke underneath the teachers desk, and Isen right underneath the window to the hallway

And there i sat, in an iron cabinet praying to whatever god was above that they wouldnt slide the door open and enter the room.

Luckily, god seemed to have granted my prayer, as the sound of tall heels dispersed down the hallway

"W-who was that..??" Elaine shot up to ask first

"f-fuck.. whoever it was doesnt matter..we needa leave before we get caught!" Isen spoke up

And with that, we all made a break for it out of our hiding spots and out of the door, heading into the direction Arlo, John and Seraphina had decided to check beforehand

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