Chapter two

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~~~Picture ^^^^ is Rue~~~

~{ Rue's POV}~

We pull into the driveway and I see a head peeping out of the window curtain. He had medium length black hair and two lip piercings.

"Is that Johnnie?" I giggle.

"Mhm, he's been waiting on us for hours." Bryan chuckles as well. " Get your stuff out of the back and we'll show you up to your room."

I step out and grab my things. I follow Bryan into the house and gasp in awe. The house was perfect, it wasn't too big and it wasn't too small, it wasn't too fancy, and it wasn't too dull, it was perfect.

I smile towards Johnnie, and he returns one. Bryan motions me to follow him upstairs. I walk over to the stairs as Johnnie follows about a few feet behind me.

"Here's your new room." Bryan says with a smile. "If you'd like we could go to the mall later and get some things you'd like."

"That'd be nice." I say far too politely.

"You know you can act normal around us, right?" Bryan said trying to make me more comfortable.

"Yeah, I know, I'm just shy is all." I could feel my face heating up slightly.

"I understand. Well just make yourself feel right at home, 'cause after all, this is your home." Bryan and Johnnie exited my door and closed it behind them.

When Bryan mentioned that this is my home now, it made me feel welcomed and loved for once. Although the whole time we were talking, I could nearly only focus on Johnnie.

The whole time he was standing there he seemed so awkward and unnatural. Had he not liked me? Or was it he just has to get used to me? maybe I'm just a bother, maybe I just don't belong.

~{Johnnie's POV}~

Before Bryan came home with his new daughter, I had mixed emotions about the situation. But as soon as they came home and I saw Rue with my own eyes, I knew Bryan had made the best choice ever.

I feel like a complete idiot for not talking to her, she probably hates me already. I debate if I should go up and talk to her or not. I decide I should at least say hi, so I slowly make my way up the stairs.

I knock on her door loud enough for a normal person to hear me.

"Yeah?" She called out.

I open the door a bit and step in her room. " Uh I just wanted to say hi." I say extremely awkward.

"Hello." Her smile was all I could focus on. She was absolutely flawless. I suddenly stop myself from thinking, I've been standing in her room without responding back to her. My face turns a light hue of pink. I turn to leave the room and mumble a quick goodbye.

"Uhm see you downstairs." I run back down the stairs and bury my face in the couch in frustration. I'm an utter failure when it comes to girls.

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