Trip to mortal world (pt 1?)

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Jude groaned when Cardan shook her awake. Apparently he was more excited for their trip to see Vivi then she was herself.

"Cardan, stop it," she mumbled. She had been up way too late to make sure everything was organised and had almost forgotten to go to sleep, leading to her now tired form.

"Come on, Jude, we don't have time for this," the king muttered, just wanting to go already. "If I can get up, you can get up."

She rolled over to face Cardan who stood by her side of the bed, but apparently there wasn't more bed, leading to her almost falling out of the bed. Almost, because Cardan was there to catch her.

"Okay, you're up. That's good. We leave in... ten minutes." With that he put Jude down on the floor and hurried out the bedroom door.

9.5 minutes later

Cardan was sitting on the couch, waiting for Jude to come out.

"Let's go," he shook out of his thoughts.

There stood Jude in what must be normal clothing for the mortal humans.

She looked at Cardan, almost as if she was scanning him for something. The king had put on some clothes Vivi had sent before, and it had shocked him how weird it felt to wear them.

"Take a photo, it'll last longer," Jude said. Cardan looked away, he wasn't quite sure how photos worked but he didn't want to take one.

"Let's just leave, Jude," he muttered before taking her hand and walking towards the door, grabbing the bag Jude had packed on the way. "We do not wish to leave your sister waiting."

"As if you care," Jude mumbled, but she followed her husband anyway.

Time skip brought to you by Locke's dead body

"What is that?" Cardan asked for the 9th time since they arrived back in the mortal world.

Jude rolled her eyes once again, getting slightly impatient with his questions.

"That's a car. Mortals use it to get places quicker."

"Why don't we get some of those in elfha-"

"No." Jude said at once. Cars in elfhame would be a terrible idea. The crashes that would happen all the time and the damage... it wouldn't work.

"Why not?" The king whined.

"Just no. Vivi's apartment is down the road, but we said we'd meet her at one and that's not for another hour," Jude informed him. Cardan looked at his wife confused.

"Then what are we doing for the next hour?"

Jude gave him a smirk.

"We'll go get some slushies."

Cardan didn't have time to question what a slushie was or why she held a wicked glint in her eye before she pulled him down the street to some weird looking building with a number on a sign.

"Are you going to assassinate me?" He asked, half joking.

Jude didn't answer but rather went up to a girl standing behind a big desk with things in it. Probably food, cardan thought.

A minute later the girl was filling up cups with some weird substance that seemed half liquid.

Jude walked back to Cardan, a smirk still on her face.

"Poison?" He asked, confused. Why did Jude look so smug?

"Nope, slushie, it's a form of treat."

With that Cardan immediately drank it without thinking, only to be hit with a severe headache seconds after the cold drink had gone down his throat.

"Agh! What is going on? It is poison, isn't it?"

Jude just kept laughing. "No, it's a cold drink, you need to drink it slowly or else you will get a brain freeze."

"You couldn't have told me that earlier?" The king of elfhame asked, annoyed.

"Nope, it was so worth it," she took a sip of her own slushie. "Now let's go. I'm sure Vivi and Oak wouldn't mind an early visit."


Sorry for bad chapter, I am in the middle of Norwegian and I've been busy all summer.

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