Jude is sick

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Cardan sat on his throne. The meeting he was sitting in was boring him to death and he would rather be anywhere else.
Normally it was Jude who would sit through this, but unfortunately his wife had fallen sick.

Cardan worried about her.
He was not familiar with mortal sicknesses and was therefore not relieved when Jude had told him it was just a cold.

She had sworn she was okay, but he knew she could lie and that worried him.
What if she wasn't alright?
What if she felt alone and incredibly sick?

The meeting came to an end but Carddan waited till everyone left the room. He couldn't seem weak in front of his people.
After the last Fae had left, the young king all but ran out of the throne room.
He had to get to Jude. He had to make sure she was ok.

When he reached their shared chambers he stood still outside the door for a solid ten seconds before slowly opening the door.
The first thing he noticed was the silence. Jude had fallen asleep.

After a sleepless night the young queen had finally found peace. A small smile made its way to his face but it quickly disappeared when Jude let out a small whimper.

She seemed to be talking.
Talking to no one but herself.
He couldn't understand a word she said, but she looked distressed.
Like she was having a nightmare of sorts.

Cardan hurried closer to the bed and kneeled beside the bed. He tried to gently shake her awake. It did not work. He tried again. Jude always helped him through his sleepless nights, it was time to return the favour.

Jude sat up in bed, her breathing ragged. She pressed herself to the back of the bed. Her hands were shaking.
Cardan took her hands in his but she did not seem to register it. Her eyes were unfocused and she was panicking. Her panic made Cardan panic.
Jude Duarte never showed her panic.

He sat down in the bed before her and placed his hands on either side of her face.
"Jude..." He tried, and her eyes snapped out of their daze. She looked him right in the eyes, panic still showing. "It's okay," Cardan said in a comforting voice.

He could see Jude calming down at the sound of his voice. Her breathing slowed down and evened out. Cardan put a hand to her temple, like Vivi had taught him to do when she visited.

"I'm fine," Jude muttered. It looked like it took all her strength to just say so little.
"No you are not," Cardan said softly. "But you will be, because I will take good care of you, my love."

Her forehead was burning up and if Jude was being completely honest (something she rarely was) she would've admitted that she felt like death.
It hurt to move and she had a pounding headache.

Imagine. Jude Duarte, High-Queen of Elfhame, but not immune to colds.

"Do you want to take a bath? Would that help?"

Jude just shrugged. She felt weak and defeated, but at the same time thankful that Cardan was there to help.
The high-king took the shrug as a yes and went into the bathroom where he turned on the tap and started to fill the bath.

Jude looked at how he stood by the door, ready to take on anyone who dared touch her. Just for a second in her burning state she smiled.

A real smile.


Whatcha think?

I have not finished the series yet but I need more of Jude and Cardan so here we are🤭

Also, ideas are welcome

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