Unresolved issues

Start from the beginning

'' Hello.'' Shut it, we are gonna fight right now.'' All Right altho let's do it out of UA, that way you can't get punished for those actions'' Izuku said as he kept filling his backpack.'' You are not allowed, Violence against other students is not permitted.'' On school grounds, we are students, During school, when we get off school grounds we aren't anymore. So still wanting to fight.'' Ey you.'' Rumi, It's fine. I can handle it.'' The girls didnt want to stand on the sidelines, They loved Izuku, and when he fight they would stand beside him.

Izuku walked with his hands in his pockets following Nana.'' You are aware I am going to crash you into the floor until you drop out from UA.'' Izuku hummed as he kept walking till they reached an alleyway near UA. Most of the students followed the two of them, all except Ida, Bakugo, Monoma, and Todoroki. They just went home.'' Ryuko Can you hold my bag and blazer, I Don't want to get them dirty.'' Ryuko nodded her head as she happily took it.'' All Right Bring it, Yagi.'' Izuku said without raising his hands.

Nana instantly swung at Izuku, Smacking him right on the chin. Izuku stumbled a little back, Before just standing up and straight at Nana. She started punching. Raining down fist on Izuku, Who just took them. After a hard punch right on the chest, Izuku made his one and only moved. He stepped in and grabbed her by the throat. His body was right next to her, making it hard for Nana to fight back.'' We done.'' Izuku said, He had a bloody nose, busted lip, and a bruise showing up on his cheek. His grip was tight, Not hurting Nana, But making known it was over.

'' TSS, You are not even worth it.'' She knocked off Izuku's hand, Only after Izuku weakened his grip. He turned to the group, Bleeding slightly.'' Any more takers.'' Izuku said toward the students, More than ready for them to just beat some rage out of him. He stared them down. But the group just split apart.'' IDIOT.'' Mina screamed angrily as they were alone. The beat Izuku laughed. as he grabbed his stuff from Ryuko.'' Ochaco grabbed his head'' We need to put some ice on this, and your nose might be broken.'' She said worried for Izuku

''Let's just walk toward the subway,'' As they stepped out of the alleyway Aizawa was waiting for them.'' Here.'' He was waiting with an icepack.'' What happened Izuku.'' Nothing, It was just some classroom bonding.'' Izuku said placing the icepack on his left side of the face, right on the bruise. Aizawa chuckled as he patted Izuku's head.'' Good kid.'' Aizawa walked back into UA. Going past All Might back into his class where Nezu, Gran Torino, and Recovery Girl were waiting.'' Sir?'' He fought did he not?'' I am not sure what you mean sir.'' Aizawa really had no idea.

Gran Torino spoke,'' What happened to him Shota, We all knew your kid was gonna get into a fight sooner or later, So who was it and how did it turn out?'' Aizawa sat down, a smirk on his face.'' He fought Nana Yagi And calling it a fight is a bit much, He stood there getting his face beaten in. He broke his nose, busted his lip, and bruised his cheek.'' Oh boy, and what did he do Nana?'' Nothing, He did absolutely nothing, Nana walked off with not even a mark on her body, Her clothing wasn't even dirty.''

'' So the little runt lost.'' Aizawa shook his head.'' Dont think so, He acted like the biggerman.'' Aizawa was proud of his actions. He was well aware of how Izuku could have just brute forced Nana into the floor, and broken her entire body if he wanted.'' Smart, If he beat her ass, that anger would just grow, '' Aizawa laughed as he got back up.'' I am gonna head out sir,'' Aizawa wanted to head home, get ready for his heroing job. Heading home. All Might had just ran away from the door, he had acted less than heroic by listening in

He sprinted back home, Planning to go home and scolding Nana for her actions. He wasn't mad she beat Izuku, That didnt matter, It mattered she attacked as a UA student that could have ruined her image, Ruin her chance of being a hero. He waited 20 minutes before Nana walked in. She instantly went for the freezer, grabbing a bag of peas and covering it with her fist.'' Nana, HAVE YOU COMPLETELY LOST YOUR MIND.'' All Might yelled as he walked into the kitchen.'' w-what you mean.'' You attacked that dragon boy didnt you.''

''U-uhm,'' You could have lost your place at UA, you never attack another student. It doesn't matter if you hate that dragon scum, YOU DON'T LET ONE OF THEM RUIN YOUR LIFE.'' All might screamed angrily. He was pissed she could have ruined her chances.'' It's fine. it doesn't matter anymore,'' Nana said irritated as she moved to her room, She threw herself on her bed. Tears running down her face.'' WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY.'' She angrily screamed into her bed. It didnt matter how strong she was, How many reps of barbell curls she did.

'' I did my best, I hit as hard as I could and he still went on, I FUCKING FELT IT, THAT MONSTER,'' Nana yelled with tears, She, however, wasn't the only one in tears. Inko was told what had happened to Izuku by Aizawa on the phone. She waited out with the other moms. And the second Mika heard them coming, Inko sprinted forward, Grabbing Izuku into a bearhug, She crunched Izuku's back and lifted him up.'' I AM SO WORRIED FOR YOU, I HEARD YOU GOT BEAT UP.'' By a girl nonetheless. Dragon Boy got his butt kicked by a girl.'' Hitoshi laughed.

''It's fine, Mom, I just need my head cooled,'' Izuku said finally being released by Inko and going to the fridge, grabbing a sack of peas and placing the cool pack they bought in a store inside.'' Lucky she was pissed.'' He assumed she had trained, But her rage just overpowered her skill. Still packed a mighty punch, Now if she punched him in the chest or ribs, no problem, But He didnt really have muscles on his face, None that could be trained to take punches, That and no quirk used or well he would have been unmarked. But he laid back resting for tomorrow.

The Hero of the Green: MidoRyuuWhere stories live. Discover now