Poem No. 34

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Poem No. 34

For me,
Happiness is such a big word.
For me,
Happiness can feel even in a small thing in this world.

But happiness is not for all person,
And I belong to those who doesn't deserves the word happiness.
Sadness is in the air that I breathe,
It's shattered all over the place I used to live.

I don't know if I can still called this home.
I don't know if I can still live in this atmosphere anymore.
Even though my family is always there for me.
Even though my friends is always there to comfort me.

I feel alone.
It's just me and me.
No one can heal me.
No one can make me feel secure.

Suicidal is not my thing.
Suicidal is the least thing I will ever do.
I live my life even though I'm not happy.
I live my life even though I go crazy.

My hands are trembling,
My head is spinning.
I feel dizzy,
All I want to do is to sleep.

I want to rest,
I'm too tired from problems.
I want to be happy,
But I know I can't...

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