Chapter 8

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You walked up to Robin's room. Bim and finney were watching TV. "Hey when you get here" robin says as he stand up. "Just right now some weirdo was following us. Hope ya dont mind" you smile. Finney pats a spot next to him. You sat behind vance and open up your bag. Inside was a brush you grab vances hair. He quickly turns around and stares at you. "What the fuck are you doing" he stares at you. "Brushing your hair turn around" he turns around and you brush it. Goddamn his hair was like yarn but it was still so soft. It takes a pretty long time but you finally detangle it. He must've curled his hair daily or something. You then start sectioning it off into two parts. You begin braiding as he talks to robin about something. Finney held onto a pillow, you realized a horror movie was playing. One braid was done "hey I need 2 hair ties" you tell robin. "Why do you need hairties" vance says with an attitude in his voice.

You smile "I'm gonna braid your hair" finney smiles. Vance with pigtails would be ridiculous. "Hell no you're not" he grabs your hands and messes his hair up again. "Why not! You'll look nice" you say while trying not to laugh. He pushes you back onto the bed and you laugh. You all chat for a while and then Robin's mom comes upstairs. "Y/N your moms here to pick u and the blonde one up" she walks back downstairs. You and vance walk downstairs while laughing. You cant even remember what he was talking about but he made you so giggly. Your stomach would twist and your heartbeat race. But what were you two. Friends with benefits? Lovers? Just friends? You tried to push the thoughts back. You both sat in the back. Secretly holding hands. Your mom drops vance off and you wave.

"Bye goldie!" You wave excitedly as he walks into his house. Your mom drives off but rather slowly. "Y/N we need to talk" your heart sank. Something was wrong Oh god what was it. "Do, do you like..guys?" She asked it. The question that I had contemplated for so long. Had become a question even others asked me. "What! No. No.." I know I'm a liar. She knows I'm lying "I'd never judge you yaknow. I get alot people find it weird but I'll love you the same. Yaknow I once dated a girl too." You look at your mom with a raised brow. "Really?" You ask not really believing it. "Yeah she was beautiful. Her name was samantha she had long red hair. God her eyes were a beautiful shade of green. It was like watching a living breathing forest fire." She sighed to herself as she thought to herself. "Did..did you love her" even saying it felt like a forbidden question. "How could I not. I'll admit it, I loved her with my whole heart. But one day she left me, without a trace. If she never left I think I would've stayed with her." Your mom smiled to herself. She looked so happy thinking about then. "Did you feel the same with dad" she looked at you. She grabbed your hand and squeezed it. "Of course, but it took a while. Your father was a kind young man. He was amazing and he was so sweet. I fell in love with both of them. I believe your father and samantha were my soulmates. But me and her werent meant to be."

She understood what it had felt to feel wrong. To feel bad about who you love. "I'm just scared" you tell her. In your head you thought itd be straightforward. But aloud you were afraid, your voice was above a squeak. "I mean what'll dad think. Whatll Jamie think. I dont want to be outcasted. Just because I like, guys" you said it to her. You finally told her you liked boys. It was such a freeing moment to hear. "Oh sweetheart your father will be fine with it. Yaknow when he was younger he had alot of gay friends. He himself never liked guys but he supported them. Because he loved them. And he loves you. And Jamie's your little brother. He looks up to you sweetheart" you guys arrived at home. You appreciated your mom so much more. She understood you, she heard you. And best of all she accepted you. She didnt make a big deal. She didnt press any questions. She was just their for you. So today, you'll tell em. You get out the car and hug your mom. She pats your back and smiles. You walk inside as your dad finishes playing dinner. "Hey kid! Dinners ready" tonight you guys were having some sort of pasta. You sat and ate in an uncomfortable silence. "I wanted to say something" you finally spoke out. "Sure what is it" your dad smiles and happily chews on his food. "Um well. I know it may be weird to you guys but. I um" it was hard to say. The words were sticking to your throat like stink on a skunk. But your mom smiled at you. You took a deep breath of air and said it. "I'm gay" you dad stops eating. He wipes his mouth and clears his throat. You're so scared as to what hell say. You nervously fidget with the table cloth. "Its that Vance kid huh" he smiles at you. "What" you say slightly suprised. "I mean we knew but I didnt wanna ask" jamie said.

"What do you mean you knew" you sounded confused. Everyone at the table except you looked at eachother. "Well it was obvious. I mean when you were 6 you said youd marry George Alvarez" your mom says as she wiped her mouth. "Yeah and when you were 7 you vowed to never marry a girl. The signs were their kid. I love ya though!" He says. My god they knew the whole time. It took you the longest time to figure it out. You look at jamie "you knew too?" "Not that long ago. I mean you were looking at that blonde kid kinda weird while he was hitting you. Like it was obvious." Everyone knew except for you. I mean.

At least they accepted you

Hey y'all this is the author. I am sick and I litterly wanna die so sorry for slow uploads.

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