Chapter 7

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Your mom could see that you were a but stressed out. "What's wrong" she said as she poked her food. "Nothing" you smile up at her. You take a small bite of food "this is good". You said that to try and redirect the conversation from you. After eating you wiped your face. You walk to the restroom. You shut the door and stare at yourself in the mirror. You press the palms of your hands against the tiled counter. Your hands twisted the cold steel of the sink. The water was warm you cupped your hands and brought it up. The water washed across your face and you scrubbed. When you looked up you saw something, you saw someone. They could feel you staring at them and suddenly it was gone. 'Weird' you hurry up with brushing your teeth. You take one last look before shutting the door. You walk into your room, vances jacket was still on your bed. You shut and locked your door. Your fingers trace along the edges of his jacket. You put it on and feel content. It was such a lovely feeling to feel so complete.

It smelt like him, it smelt like weed, burnt wood, hair products and pine needle. You lay down for a few minutes, and picture him there with you. Both of you guys hand in hand smiling at eachother. Not too long after you fall asleep. Your mom pounds on your door "Y/N HURRY UP ITS TIME FOR SCHOOL" you wake up and stretch. One of those stretches that cause you to basically have a seizure. You unlock the door "I'm up" you say. She nods and walks away. You change your clothes and grab your bag. You then grab vances jacket and put it in the backpack. For a while you thought about keeping it. But thatd be weird, you leave home and walk to the grab n go. You look around but vance isnt their. The pinball machine was being used by someone else. You walk to vances house. No one was in the drive way. You held your breath and decided to do some weird shit. You start climbing up the side of his house.

Finally you see him, hes staring at his mirror. He looks so angsty you laugh to yourself. After safely holding on you use your head to knock on the window. It hurt a bit more than you thought it would. Vance looks at you with shock in his eyes. He opens the window and you climb in. "Dude what the fuck" he pushes you a bit. "I needed to return something" you place your bag down and open it. You take vances jacket out and hand it to him. "You came here. Climbed up to my window. Just to give me a fucking jacket" you thought hed be more appreciative of the thought that goes into that. "Yeah I thought youd appreciate it and stuff" his eyes darken. "Unlike you I'm not a freak! Listen dude I dont know what the hell's wrong with you. But back off" he pushes you into a corner. "What? I thought we were friends though" your heart was breaking. You could feel the pinch and snap as your throat tightened. ""Friends? FRIENDS?!? Yeah fucking right! You probably just want to fuck me or some shit!" He knew. He knew you liked him. Your world had just come crashing down. "No no! Nothing of that sort! I just thought we were friends" you lied through your teeth.

"Really? That's all you thought?" He seemed somewhat upset by that. As though he wanted you to say yes. He grabbed you by your shoulders. He bit his lip and frustration gleamed in his eyes. And he did the unexpected. He pulled you in, in got a kiss. And it was magical. Your face heated up and he held onto you. His hands moved from your shoulders to your waist. You kissed back and wrapped your arms around his neck. Even when you broke for breath he kept going. It was like an addiction was forming you couldnt stop. You didnt want to it was the sweetest. Until he finally stopped his eyes had tears in them. He fell to his knees still holding onto you. "Why" he repeatedly whispered to himself. You knelt down to his level. "Why what" you grabbed his face and made him look at you. "Why would you do this. Why do I have to feel this way for you. Why couldnt it have been a girl." It hurt to hear and it stung but you understood. Sometimes you wished you had liked his too. But to hear it said to you outloud was beyond pain. You felt like youd been stabbed in the heart. "I'm so sorry vance. I should leave" you go to get up but he grabs you.

"Dont. Please dont leave me" he was so sad and sounded so desperate. You sat with him for hours as he cried. You knew as soon as you get home youd be in trouble. But it didnt matter. All that matters was him. "I think I love you" your eyes widnes in shock. Your heart wicked and you smiled. You grabbed his chin and lightly kisses his cheeks. "I think I love you too" such a sweet smile was put on his face. Night fell quicker than you anticipated. "I should go home" you tell him. "Can I come with you. I can't be here" you nod, he was so sweet at times. You both left and were then on your way. You start walking and you stop at the grab n go for food. You pay this time he spent the last of his money on you yesterday. You laughed and smiled on your way. But a black van pulled up to you both. The one from before. "Do you kids like magic?" The man smiles. "Fuck off old man" Vance says and keeps walking. "Come on dont you wanna see something awesome" "I think I'd rather see your head on a stick" "wow brutal! Yaknow kids like you deserve a punishment" he grinned. The back of the van opened, you grabbed Vance and tried to run. The man grabbed vances hand and tried to pull him in. You threw your slushie at at him as he grabbed a can. Her go for a second and you both ran. "Dude what the hell was that!" You laugh yell. You found it kinda funny "not funny I was almost fucking killed" the van was speeding towards you two. But Robin's house was close so you run to it. You pound on the door and his mom opens up. "Some dudes chasing us!" You say to her. Your voice high as well as the panic in your heart. The van stopped but she could see it. She let's you both in and starts making something to drink.

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