More Alike Then You Think

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Leon opens his eyes to a Slimepup licking his face.

He groans and puts a hand to his aching forehead. Everything hurts. Wait, his hand...?

He shot up and lifted his hand- no- claw just above his eyes, blinking multiple times to see if he was dreaming or seeing things. He was not.

"Ah, I see you're awake!"

Leon yelped and whipped his head around to see where the voice came from. In front of him, a few feet away, was a Kaiju with Mochi-like stripes. There were more stripes than a Mochi, though, and the stripes are shorter in length. The colour is also an alternating darker blue, then lighter blue pattern.

"Hello? Did I- did I break you?" The Kaiju looked concerned and perplexed at the same time.

Leon shook his head, snapping out of his thoughts. "No you didn- who are you?!"

"You've been staring at me for the last 5 minutes and now you ask that?" The Kaiju chuckled. "Well, I suppose I'll answer your question. My name is Fritz, or known to some other Gootrax, Lapis! Also I go by he/him pronouns."

"Why Lapis? That's just stu-" He was interrupted by Fritz pointing at his back and tail crystals, which undeniably, do look like Lapis because of the semi- translucent marbled pattern and the littlest slivers of gold here and there. "...Oh."

Fritz slyly grinned at him. "Told ya so." Leon just rolled his eyes at him.

"Speaking of names and appearances, I think you should take a glance into the mirror. You are rather...unique looking."

Leon got up and gingerly walked over to the washroom mirror, making his mouth drop the second he looked at his reflection.

"...I look nothing like a Panther...what...?" The dragon-looking Kaiju cocked his head at him, curious. "I mean...wasn't I transfurred by Panther?" Suddenly the memory hit him hard, making him wince as he pressed his paw to his forehead for the second time.

"Right...also a Carneline."

"I have completely lost the plot at this point-" Fritz (or Lapis?) exclaimed, waving his arms around for extra clarification. Leon ignored him. He continued staring at his reflection.

His fur is a dark, matted grey-purple with his paws and neck fluff a lighter shade of the colour, like a reversed Carneline. All the crystals in his body were a bright, pure violet colour. There are scatters of small crystal shards in his neck fluff and he has a pair of crystalline horns. Just below his eyes are a pair of triangular crystals. On his torso is a pattern resembling a four pointed star the same light grey-purple colour and on his back is a light patch of fur. His claws are long, like a Panther, but instead made out of crystal. His ears are also long and there is a singular rectangular crystal on each side. His tail is shaped like a Panther's except the tip is widened and it is coloured light grey-purple. He has a pair of back heel crystals, but thats about it. Nothing like a Carneline's crystal abundant body. The most intriguing thing though, is his eyes. His eyes are like amethyst, glittering and reflecting purple light of every shade. His sclera's is a pure amethyst purple and his iris' are the same violet as the rest of the crystals on his body. [( a/n: goofy ahh desc why ru even reading this )] [(a/n: also if u dont get the idea of leons appearance u can look at carnelines and panthers ref sheets and maybe u will have a better understanding of what he looks like )]

"Hey, Leon, are you having a staring contest with your reflection? 'Cause in that case you lost like, 5 minutes ago." Lapis waved his hand in front of Leon's face.

"Oh, shut up, you." Leon muttered, but with a slightest smile.

"Well now that you disturbed my 'staring contest' you gotta answer my question!" He quickly switched into a cheerful manner, making the dragon Kaiju groan.

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