Slimepup Encounter

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bfzhgysdajahzdsjbfh i am literally racking out my brain for title ideas

enjoy the rest of ur 24 hours lololol


Leon was walking towards the Cafeteria, maybe to find something to eat. To be honest, he wasn't hungry at the moment but it might clear his mind off of the bad dream he just had.

"Strange," He thought. He felt like being watched. Or followed. Or maybe both. But that was just his mind playing tricks with him, isn't it?

As he walked further down the hallway the sensation grew. He tried to shake it off, but to no avail. He sighed and took out his knife.

"Whoever is there, just reveal who you are. I'm not in the mood right now."

Leon watched as a small figure emerge from behind one of the crates. It was a Slimepup. A little, lime green Slimepup. It squeaked a hello and beamed at him.

His heart melted. Just a little. He sheathed his knife and crouched down, allowing the Slimepup to climb up onto his back.

The thing is, he never really liked Slimepups from what he heard. The rumor was that they were miniature devils who tear through Lab Coats and Hazmat Suits, bite people and steal your weapons. He has never really encountered any of them before now. And oh, how wrong he was. Maybe Slimepups are troublesome, but this one? This one was just plain innocent.

The lime green Slimepup squeaked again, this time of happiness.


i literally want to hug this slimepup so bad rn

also the amount of times i typed slimepup: 10

i need a name for the slimepup or else i will be saying slimepup way too many times lol.

aaaaaa stop saying itttttt

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