Blinding Dark

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Before we get into this chapter, I'd like to take a moment to thank our sponsor for today, NordVPN.

no im just kidding ya nobody wants to sponsor me


An alarming murmur washed through the crowd of the Laminax staff. It was dead silent, you could hear a pin drop. Everything was dark around them. Then a scientist pulled out a flashlight, followed by a few guards including Leon. Before long everybody had their flashlights out.

"No need to panic, I'm sure they will turn on Low Power Outage mode soon."

Leon whipped his head around to see who said that. It was one of the scientists. In fact, the same one that had gotten their flashlight out first. They sure were prepared.

"You were informed about this?" He asked slowly.

The scientist shook their head. "We knew there was going to be a Blackout soon, we just didn't know when. Also 'we' as in my team of scientists."

Another guard spoke up. "Oh okay, continue on?"

"We made a plan of what to do in case of a Blackout. One of them should be hurrying to the emergency power generator right about now."

Leon sighed in relief. Power Outages were still dangerous, but not as deadly as Blackouts.

"In the meantime, I suggest we split up." Everyone started protesting. There were a few "I don't think that's a good idea", "We're more vulnerable if we're alone" and even "Are you out of your mind? We're all gonna die!". It was complete chaos and Leon was absolutely done with it. He walked away from the group, shining his flashlight around to make sure nobody was following him.

He felt like he had been walking for hours on end, finally stopping and leaning against a wall. He was near the Crystal Cave, he noted. Leon had the strangest feeling something bad was about to happen but he ignored it. Gut feelings are odd and they never really help him anyways. Suddenly the lights turned into a red colour, earning a yelp from him and nearly tripping over himself.

"Aha, that must be that scientist's colleague finally starting up the generator. Wonder what took them so long..." He muttered, despite being nearly scared out of his mind seconds ago.

A Panther hid behind a stack of crates, followed in suit by a Carneline.

"Looks like we got our target." A vicious smile split through the Panther's face.


omg im so sorry everything went by so fast and it doesnt make sense anymore im still learninnnnng

im pretty sure this is actually the longest chapter i have written so far so yay to that :D

thanks for reading!

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