The Path to Viridian!!!

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Hey sup guys!!! I'm back, ready with another chapter of "Ash's Journey to Greatness"!!! ENJOY!!!(Sorry I haven't updated for a long time, please spare me)

(Line Break no Jutsu!!!)

As Ash took his first real step out into the world, he immediately started formulating a plan. His mother had once told him that it took his father around a week to reach Viridian. Well, he would just have to beat that. And so, they started walking, taking to take on every Pokémon they saw, with none having much of a resistance or counter to Pikachu's electricity. They started to beat more and more until they were basically strolling on the path. Just then, a Spearow came diving at them. Not having taken one on yet, Ash was eager to order Pikachu to attack. As the Spearow took the attack, it fell, smoking, to the ground. However, before it went unconscious, it let out a pained screech. Ash wondered why that was, but just disregarded it for the moment and resumed walking. Spearow was good, and while Fearow was even better, he just didn't think that they would be of good use to him. They were known to be very arrogant, after all. A few minutes into his continuation of strolling, he heard a loud screeching sound from the air, louder than the Spearow, but also much more powerful and angered. He looked up to see a Fearow diving straight towards him, and so he rolled to the side as quick as he could.

The Fearow hit the ground with so much power that Ash could feel the ground vibrating. He looked ahead towards the place of contact, where the crash landing had kicked up a dust cloud. He heard one wingbeat, then the cloud was cleared. Fearow looked even more livid. It charged at him so fast he had no time to say anything. It slammed into Pikachu, hard, and it was sent back into a tree. Pikachu got up, now angry itself. This time, the Fearow charged, but they were ready, with the command from his trainer, Pikachu let out a ThunderBolt, pouring as much energy into it that he could, there was an explosion, then another cloud, as they waited with bated breaths. He couldn't have survived this one, he thought, but was proved wrong when the Fearow rose up off the ground, without a single scratch. 

"How the hell?! That did nothing to it!" he exclaimed. The Fearow started flapping its wings, creating a tornado without a move, just purely wing strength. They were blown back, and the Fearow charged once again, this time starting up a Drill Peck. Am I going to die here? As soon as I start my journey? He thought. Just before it landed, it was blown away by a sudden force, so fast he didn't register it until he saw it, all crumpled up under a tree, completely knocked out. He turned in the direction the force came from, and saw a Charizard, twice the size of any other Charizard he'd ever seen. Its skin and scales were a dark red, and fire blew out of its mouth and nostrils at every breath it exhaled. Frightened, he backed away from, only for the Charizard to snort and look at him in ... amusement? A man walked up next to the beast, and Ash calmed down when he realized it was Professor Oak. That meant the Charizard belonged to ... he would never look at the man the same way again.

"Are you ok?" was the question, snapping him out of his reverie.

"Huh? Oh ... Yeah," he replied.

"I really hope Charizard here didn't scare you. He has a tendency to show off and intimidate."

"No, no! I was just surprised! Is he really yours?"

"Of course! Why would you think otherwise?"

"Because you're old," was the deadpan.

"So? Back in my younger days, I was quite the trainer! I was even Champion for some time! Haha! I reckon I could still give that Lance kid a run for his money! He may even lose them! HA!" Ash just stared on, startled by the revelation, and barely comprehending the later words spoken to him. "Ash? Ash? Ash?! ... I think I made him enter shock."

"Huh? What?" was once again his answer.

"Are you ok?" he was asked once again.

"Yeah. I was just startled. I've now realized that I am horrifyingly weak. I let my pride of beating the wild Pokémon around here get to me. I realized that I have to get more serious."

" ... Well don't be too down. That Fearow was left unchecked for some time and had grown quite strong. Elite trainers would probably have had trouble. You did very well in holding it off until I arrived."

"That's just it Professor. I didn't hold it off. It was likely just toying with me 'til I angered it. I would've died had you not arrived."

"Then good job not dying! Ash, you need to let this go. Stop being so miserable! What's done is done, now you need to learn from this and get stronger! Stop whining about what could have been and start focusing on the future! Whining in your own pity party will not solve anything!" scolded the professor.

"!" As the professor took the Fearow and started to leave, Ash pondered over the words spoken to him. He realized the professor was right, and he hardened his resolve to train more. "Professor?"

"Yes Ash?" he answered without turning around.

"We still have a year to get all the badges, right?"

"I believe so. What brought this on?"

"I was wondering, ... could you, I don't know, maybe, like, train me?" he inquired cautiously.

"..." At this, he was worried. Then the professor smiled brightly. "Sure. I was wondering who, in decades, was going to be the first to ask help from me. It seems they all underestimate me. They look at me as if I have gotten old, senile, and rusty. HA!" I wonder why, thought the soon-to-be protege. "Now, come along. I have much to teach you."


Hey guys! Sorry for the late update. Even I realize that's pushing it. But hey, high school sucks. Comment what math course you take and what grade.

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