The Beginning

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Hey guys! RedDestroyerFire here, and I got a new story with me! I hope you all enjoy it! Also, I will say this once and no more because I really don't like repeating unnecessary things. I DO NOT OWN POKEMON! Now that I got that out of my system, let's start!


"WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF POKEMON!!!," is what I would be saying if I was Professor Oak- But I'm not. So too bad for you guys. Actually not, because then these stories wouldn't be here. And you know how you would be if I wasn't here, right? No? Fine, be like that. Anyways, you look off into the distance and you see a little town, with such a small amount of houses, gossip spreads through here faster than a Zebstrika using Extremespeed. So of course gossip would get around about the kid with weird eyes. This kid had the name of Ash "Red" Ketchum. Nobody knew his middle name of course. Nobody except his closest friend, Gary "Blue" Oak, grandson of the famed Professor Samuel Oak, the regional professor of Kanto, but that's off-topic. Damn ADHD. At least I think it is. There it goes again. SHUT UP! Anyways, his eyes were like a crimson fire, a fire the color of blood. It was surrounded by a ring the color of chocolate brown, which is very good by the way, and it is- DARGH! He lived in a small house in that town, a five minute walk away from the research lab and ranch of Professor Oak. It was 11:45 PM, but he was still awake, meditating. You see, he had found latent aura inside of him when he lost control the other day after being attacked by one of the Pokémon residing on Professor Oak's ranch. I won't bore you with the details, but the summary of it is that he had fought back with power unknown to him, which had caused the Pokémon's eyes to widen in shock and calmly walk away. He could've sworn he'd heard an apology and a laugh.

Meanwhile In The Hall of Origins

The Hall of Origins was a beautiful place laden in gold and silver, with mosaics of all the majestic Legendary Pokémon decorating the walls, held up by seemingly indestructible pillars. Looking across, you could see a white being with a gold ring surrounding his abdomen, and it can be noticed here that he seemed to command respect and obedience with his mere presence. This being was none other than Arceus, the maker of Pokémon (sorry Satoshi). He was watching Ash Ketchum, remembering how he had laughed at the kid's misfortune. "You'll go far kid," he said. "However, I'm bored, so I'll make your life interesting, in many different ways," he stated with an evil laugh. Oh, he was going to have fun alright.

With Our Hero, well, "Soon to be Hero"

Ash shivered as he felt as he dreaded what would come in his life. He felt as if he was going to have a very unusual life, though why that is, he wasn't sure exactly. He shook off the feeling, and stood up from his meditation. He had to sleep, as he didn't want to be late on the day he would get his starter. So he slept, unknowing of all the altercations being made in his life by the Legendary of Legendaries.


Well here we go guys! I'm back in business, and I know this was a bit short, but bear with me here. See you guys!

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