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Trigger Warning: Arguing
_____________^^^^In love
_____________TYSM TO @Mrs_Mikaelson_S FOR THE IDEA ILYSM

I stood nervously at Jason's door step, switching the piece of folded paper in my hands-afraid my sweaty palms would smudge the sharp pen ink.

I felt my lip tremble tremendously as I hesitated to knock...'he won't answer.'

My eyes darted to the one window with a light dimly lit, Jason's.

My eyes then caught the tree hung perfectly by it, 'I'm doing it.'

My hand roughly caught the rim of the tree, pulling myself up-my hands went raw against the bark of the tree. Finally facing towards his room, I could smell the delicious vanilla within it.

Holding the paper tightly, I stretched my arm-lightly knocking on it as I balanced nervously on the tree.

The window slid open instantly, my eyes met the piercing beautiful ones that made me go weak.

Those things I did
Just so I could call you mine

"What are you doing?"

"Climbing a tree to see you." I gave him a sheepish smile as he rolled his eyes-rubbing his temple frustratingly. "You're gonna fall off..."

"No, just take this!" I stretched my arm out, the piece of paper held between my shaky fingers.

"No...go away." He whispered as I groaned, stretching my arm wider as I felt my limbs tear.

"You're gonna fall!" He whisper-shouted, clapping his hands as I adjusted my position-my foot slipping.

I let out a shriek as my body hung beneath the tall tree, my hands raw tightly around the tree as they began to slip.

"I told you!" He debated as his white polished sneakers stood on the tree as he held his hand towards me. "C'mon!" He hissed, clutching his cold hand- I felt him pull me up as I groped the tree too.

"Get in!" Jason held me by my back, gently shoving me in.

I flopped onto his chair, remembering every moment spent in his room as my eyes darted between every radiant medal.

"What?" He snapped, slamming the window shut as I quickly shoved the note in my pocket.

"I wanna say I'm sorry..." I muttered as he gulped painfully-refusing to meet my eyes as he leaned against his book shelf.

"For what?"

"Okay...do you even wanna say sorry to me too?" I tilted my head-raising an eyebrow as he scoffed-muttering something under his breath.

"That's why you're here? To get an apology, really....Y/n?" He gave me a dry laugh as I rolled my eyes. "No-no-no! I came so we could sort things out!"

"Really? I played you Y/n...and you played me too. We never loved each-other! It was all just some stupid shit to make Chrissy mad!" Jason snapped suddenly, I blinked a few times before opening my mouth.

The things you did
Well, I hope I was your favorite crime

"Just 'stupid shit'...wow!" Y/n let out a breathy chuckle as she sunk into the seat-boggling her head. "So, first off-I did your 'stupid shit' just so I could help you...not even me!" Y/n felt tears swell into her eyes as Jason kicked the carpet, nodding 'no.'

"No, I asked if that freak did anything to you!" Jason shot back as Y/n leaned her elbows on her knees.

"Don't call him that!" Y/n shut his bedroom door, her blood boiling violently as a tear accidentally slipped down her cheek-quick to wipe it away.

"Oh shut up, you know he's one!" Jason shouted back as Y/n sucked a sharp breath in-her eyes blood shot red. "You're an idiot! Do you not know how many times, I-I defended you to everyone?" Y/n felt her throat form into a painful knot.

"You used me, I don't think you even cared for me!" She let out a breath, her lungs felt heavy as if weights dropped into them painfully.

You used me as an alibi
I crossed my heart as you crossed the line
And I defended you to all my friends

"Goddamn, this is your problem-you victimize yourself!" Jason gave Y/n a sharp look, his eyes red too. "Go back to the freak...I never should've been near you!" Jason's voice cracked in shame as Y/n's face fell in an ashamed away.

It's bittersweet to think about the damage that we do
'Cause I was going down, but I was doing it with you

"...I'm sorry..." she muttered as tears slipped down her cheeks as she coughed. "I love you so much...I hate you." Y/n gulped nervously-inches from his desperate lips; fighting the urge to finish off the stupid last inches between them.

Yeah, everything we broke, and all the trouble that we made
But I say that I hate you with a smile on my face

Jason stopped in his tracks, his eyes trailing along her blood colored swollen red ones- he licked his lips as his eyes drifted to her lips.

"I'm sorry..."

Oh, look what we became

Jason locked their lips as his hand found her waist-sending chills down her spine as her hand found his neck. Their lips brushing in synchronization as she tasted vanilla, he pulled away from the heavy pants.

All the things I did
Just so I could call you mine

"Y/n..." he whispered as he held her close, she looked up as he got lost in her mesmerizing eyes.

All the things you did
Well, I hope I was your favorite crime

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