Chapter 24: Inside Job

Start from the beginning

Breaking the spell and turning, he lunged into the Floo. "Malfoy Manor!'

Hermione watched. And as she watched, she floated. She was in a pool of jello, taking her time getting around. But she couldn't get out.

She was stuck.


Where did that thought come from? She was in a pool. Of Jello. She was perfectly happy to stay put. Stay exactly where she was.


Draco? What did he have to do with her jello pool? She wanted to stay here.

But she wanted him to join her in her jello pool. Why couldn't she go get him?

Stay put.

But why? He needed to see the jello pool. It was so cool. He would love it. The Muggles finally got something right, he would say. She had to go get him. He had to see it.


Why not? She felt like a petulant child who was throwing a temper tantrum and still wasn't getting what they wanted.

And what she wanted was for Draco to see the jello pool.

She had to go get him.

Go. Get. Draco.



She had to get out of the pool to go find him. It seemed really important. Clawing her way through the Jello, it got harder and harder to try to surface. She hated Jello, she thought. Had never even liked it as a kid.

Yanking herself up the side of the pool, she took a deep breath, and thought of Draco.

Her eyes opened and she was in Hogwarts. Fuck. How long had he been gone? She had no time.

Running for the Floo, she yelled out Malfoy Manor and jumped into the green flames.

What she failed to notice, however, was a snake following after her.

Narcissa's shoes clicked quickly with the urgency of her situation. She shouldn't be here, she had no cover story, but she would be quick.

She had no other choice these days but to be quick and efficient.

Without bothering to knock, she entered the office. "I want in."

"Narcissa," Snape said coolly without looking up from what he was writing on his desk. "I wasn't expecting you."

"As you shouldn't have been. This was not planned," she agreed. "However, this couldn't wait. We need to chat."

Snape let out a sigh that seemed like he would rather be anywhere else. "I concur. It seems that you do know your son better than I."

Letting out a 'hmph' sound under her breath, she said, "Well, I should hope so. I am his mother, after all. I told you that he stood no chance against the Granger girl." Pride unfurled inside her, knowing that she had been right all along. This was quickly followed by dread that she had, in fact, been right all along.

Narcissa straightened up, steeling herself for the words that were about to leave her mouth. She couldn't even believe that she had fallen this far. "I want in."

A raised eyebrow was her answer. "...into what?"

Clearing her throat, she continued. "You know."

"Unfortunately Narcissa, while I am a powerful Legilimens, I do not possess the capability of reading minds without completely infiltrating them. So, I will need you to use. Your. Words," Snape drawled.

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