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It's been about 2 months since the thing with the Women killer.

You have all your stuff moved in Katsuki's house. You have been by his side ever since. You picked up on work.

Right now it was early in the morning. You are cuddled up against Katsuki's chest.

You feel him hold you tighter. You look up to see his eyes flutter. He takes a second letting the sun in before moving his red orbs to you. You stare into them letting your self be consumed by them.

He smiles and places a kiss to your lips letting the soft skin linger there for a few moments. "Hey baby. Did you sleep ok?" He asks with a raspy voice that you love.

"I sleep amazing. This guy I sleep next to. Everytime I get an inch away he pulls me back because he a big softy." You ramble.

"I am not!" He yells. He was stoped from anything else flying out his mouth by a knock.

He grumbles getting up not putting clothes on and walking to his door. You ran and grab him a pair of basketball shorts. "Katsuki Bakugou if you answer that door without putting these on first." You yell trying to figure out what you would do.

He laughs and turns to the door. You ramble for a threat. "I'll link pictures of you being a softy to the hole world." You say fast.

He turns around and glares at you. "Give me those fucking shorts you God damn extra." He yell putting them on.

He grumbles and opens the door to get a slap on the back of the head. "Don't call her an extra you damn brat. She was trying to make sure you didn't show anyone something." A women that looks exactly like Katsuki yells at him before walking in with a man in tow.

Katsuki comes to stand by your side. "This is old hag and old man. Now what are you doing here." He growls.

Now it was your turn to slap him in the back of the head. "No bite you angry Pomeranian. Don't call them that."

"Oh I like her. Hi I'm his mother Mitsuki and this is my husband Masaru." Mitsuki puts out a hand.

"It's nice to meet you. I'm Y/n L/n Katsuki's girlfriend." You shake her hand. She pulls you into a hug.

"Oh thank the heavens after his last girlfriend that was a total bitch he said he wouldn't date ever again. Make sure to give me grandbabies." She pulls away.

You smile and nod. "Shut up old hag." He walks them to the living room. You walk into the kitchen and start to make breakfast for everyone.

After your done you walk out. Katsuki looks at you. "were where you." He gets up and hugs you.

You laugh and rub his back. "breakfast is ready if everyone is hungry." You smile.

They nod and get up Katsuki didn't move and shoves his head into your shoulder. "I love you." He mumbles and kisses your neck.

"I love you too. What's wrong baby." You pull his head up and rub his cheek with your thumb.

"Nothing. I just love you a lot." He gives you a small smile.

You lean forward and place your lips on his. He puts his hand on the back of your neck and the other on you cheek, to deepen the kiss. You pull back and smile.

The moment was Disturbed by a sound of a picture being taken. You turn to see Mitsuki with her phone up. She takes it down and smile.

Before Katsuki could jump at her you usher him to the table to eat. When you walk past you give here a piece of paper. "Send that to me please." You hand her it.

She lets at a happy laugh and give you a 'of course' before you join the table and eat.

It was nice. You guys talk about your jobs. How Katsuki was as a teen and kid. She then once brought up seeing a picture of you guys getting sex toys once.

After breakfast the pick up and get ready to leave. "Please come back some time." You yell at the door.

"Of course. I have got to spend more time with my future daughter in law." She gives one last wave before getting in her car and driving off.

You turn around your face completely red. You have thought about it seeing as you have been together for a little more than half a year. You where happy with him.

If he was to ask the question it would be yes because you couldn't see yourself with our him.

You feel a finger lift you chin up. You look to see Katsuki and he gives you a small smile. "Sorry about her. She's crazy." He scratches the back of his neck.

"What. No I loved her. She was amazing. You look just like her. Your dad is so nice to. I'm so glad I got to meet them." You get on your tippy toes and peck his lips.

"I'm glad. Not a lot of people like them." He looks down.

"Did your ex not like them that much?" You ask generally wanting to know.

"Uh well when she first met them she was rude. They had came over to meet her and she didn't care. She would keep asking when they where going to leave so she could go shopping. Once they stayed the night and she would try to get me to mess around with her while they were in the house. She called my mom a bitch and that about got her punched. I fell like my mom dose this to like test the girls I'm with, to see if there Worthy. I don't know it was just horrible." He shakes his head.

"Am I worthy enough to be with you?" You ask wanting to know if you had did something wrong. "What if your mom doesn't like me and was just trying to hide it. I don't think I did something wrong. Maybe she just didn't say anything because she's to nice like that. Oh no. Katsuki what do I do." You panic.

"Babe... Babe... Teddy bear. It's ok. She loved you. She would have called you my future wife if she didn't. To be honest I'm afraid she's going to come back and steal you away." he holds your arms to keep you still.

"Are you sure. I really love you and I don't want your mom to not like me at all. That would make it really hard for us." You look down.

"I promise. She even wants you to go to her tomorrow so she can help you get ready for the hero ranking ball." That made your head snap up.

"Oh crap I forgot about that. I don't know what to do. I have a dress and all. What will I do for makeup and hair. Is your mom good with that. Do you think she'll know what to do. It's tomorrow and I haven't even thought about it-" you where cut off from your panic ramble when lips hit yours.

All the worrying melts away as you kiss back. After a few moments he pulls back and looks into your eyes. "I'll tell my mom you'll be over tomorrow afternoon and that you have no ideas of what to do with your hair and makeup. That sound good baby." He whispers scared that if he talks to loud you'll panic again.

You smile at him show your teeth and nod. "That would be great. Thank you. Have I ever told you I love you. Because I do." You kiss his cheek.

"Huhhhh... I think I remember a couple million time of you saying it. Not sure but I think that's right, take or give some." He laughs.

You smile and hug him and you nuzzle your head in his neck. "I'm the happiest girl in the world." You mumble.

"And I am the happiest man in the world. I can't wait until the day you make me even happier."


I had fun writing this one. I'm having a little writers block. I have been trying to think of what to do next but nothing is coming to mind. I'll try to think of something soon.

So what do you think about you meeting the parents. I feel like Katsuki is to much of a softy and it's not really showing his real hot headed character so I'm going to try to put more of him being a hot head in.

Thank you


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