Season 1: Secrets

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Ben had woken up screaming and Y/N was very concerned.

It was similar to how his vision had played out prior.

Y/N: you ok ben?

Ben: was that vilgax creep you told us about! Only uglier, meaner and scarier...

Gwen: if you're talking about ugly, then I guess your dream had you looking at a mirror..

Katie threw a pencil sharpener at Gwen and looked over to Gwen.

Katie: it'll be ok ben. Besides, things can't go too down hill tomorrow.

Zero: Katie's right! Tomorrow, me and Y/N are gonna have a rematch in sonic riders to see if I've gotten any better!

Y/N: yeah, ok! Looking forward to it man! Speaking of which, has your headache gotten any better?

Zero: well it's not bad but it's not great either.

Max: anyways kids, we should sleep. We have a big day tomorrow.

Y/N: alright max.. 'night Katie, night zero!

Katie: goodnight N/N!

Zero: night!

Gwen: goodnight...

Gwen was still jealous and didn't get over the whole lucky girl adventure and how Y/N didn't really enjoy interacting with her. She needed to change that...

Y/N: goodnight ben! Don't worry about the whole vilgax thing. If he does show, in your words "what does he got on Ben Tennyson and Y/N L/N?"

Ben chuckled.

Ben: ok, goodnight Y/N.

Y/N: goodnight.

And just like that, Y/N returned to sleep.


The next day proceeded on like a normal day, with Y/N playing sonic riders with Katie cheering for Y/N and Ben screaming slurs to (necessarily) motivate Zero but this just blew his concentration.

A jealous Gwen looked on over at Katie and decided that enough was enough.

Gwen got up from over the both and walked over to the booth where the gang had just finished their match, with Y/N being victorious.

Y/N: good game zero!

Zero: same man! Still can't believe I lost after all of that training.. all gone to waste if SOMEONE didn't throw gay and transphobic slurs at me every 10 seconds!



Gwen slammed her hand down on the table , getting the kids attention.

Gwen: AHEM!... anyway, Y/N, there's this carnival that's going to go on over the weekend and I was wondering if you wanted to come with me..

Y/N: sorry Gwen, but I have to hang out with Katie as we promised before we took hex down..

Y/N and Katie both blushed at this comment but this only made Gwen more adamant.

Gwen: why're you always spending time with her and not ME! Im ten times better than her!

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