Chapter 13

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Grayson went in one direction, and I went in the other. For the first time since I got to this place, I was happy. Genuinely happy, and not the kind where I just say I am to please my father or professors if they ask how I like it here. Oh shit.


I forgot to call. Matter of fact, I don't think I've talked to him but once since I've been here. Breaking out into a run I headed towards my dorm, flying past students who did a double take to make sure that they saw a girl running for her life to call her father. They probably thing I'm crazy but I don't care. I know I'm going to get an earful from my dad because I haven't called, yet the phone works both ways last time I checked.

Scanning myself into the building I climbed the stairs two at a time, practically gasping for air when I finally reached the third floor. Grabbing my water bottle from the side of my bag, I chugged the entire thing as I walked towards my room. Monica was gone and I was surprised because it seems like she never leaves the room. Setting my bag on my chair, I pulled out my phone to dial my dad's number and he answered on the fourth ring.

"Well, this is a surprise," my father said when he answered. "I was beginning to think my daughter believes she's too old to call her dad every once in a while."

"Hi dad," I greeted laying back on my bed. "I'm sorry I haven't called I've just been busy."

"You're not pregnant are you?"

I forgot how straightforward he can be sometimes. And it was the one thing I love yet hate about him. But pregnant? God, I don't even have a boyfriend so how could I possibly be having sex? And even if I was having sex I'd like to be on some form of birth control and I'm not. I should probably start though.

"No, why would you assume something like that?"

"You've been M.I.A and I just had to ask. As a father, your father at that, I'm just protective that's all and I needed to get the worst-case scenario as to why I haven't heard from you out of my head."

I rolled my eyes even though he couldn't see. "Glad to know you have so much belief in me. Believe me, you aren't getting any grandkids out of me anytime soon."

"That's all I needed to hear. How are classes going?"

I brought my dad up to speed on how everything at WSU is. I told him about Monica and how she seems like a good, no, decent person to be friends with. I left out the part about the party and Grayson. If he already thought I was pregnant then there was no way I'd be telling him about Grayson anytime soon. Or ever for that matter. He told me about work and how weird it is without me at home, but I reminded him I'll be home for the holidays and occasional weekends if I'm truly homesick. We chatted for about ten minutes before I decided to end the conversation by saying I had a mountain of homework to do, which for the record was true. But I was also ready to end our conversation.

"Bye dad."

And the three beeps told me he was the one to hang up. That should hold him for a couple of days. I made a mental note to call him more often. Swinging my legs over the edge of the bed I hopped off and sauntered over to Olly's cage. He was sleeping peacefully inside of his food bowl and my heart instantly melted. Little guy probably ate so much he wasn't able to make it anywhere else to sleep. My pointer finger hesitantly slipped through the metal wiring of the cage to pet him but stopped when he jolted awake and sprinted towards his water bottle. A sigh escaped my lips as I realized petting him would be an impossible task. I don't think hamsters like to be petted.

I planted my butt at my desk and fired up my laptop to get started on the mountain of homework I have. It's only the second week yet the course load is heavy. Opening a new tab, I clicked on the link that'll open Spotify and turned on some soft instrumental music to get my brain going. It wasn't until the music began playing and someone began knocking on the door. More like banging on it actually.

"Wren?" a familiar voice called. "It's me I left my key in the room."

Closing my laptop, I scurried over to the door and saw Monica standing on the other side with her backpack and a bag full of what I assumed was food. The door swung open, and she entered without a word.

"Everything okay?" I questioned as I let the door close.

"I'm fine," she sniffled. "I just found out that I might have to take out more loans to cover this semester, but my parents won't be able to help out when it comes to paying them off. So, I either continue school and be in debt for twenty years or give up now and get a full-time job then come back when I can better afford it."

I took a seat on my bed and placed my blanket over my lap. "Shit, I'm sorry Monica. How much time are they giving you to figure it out?"

"The end of the week. I don't know what I should do."

I empathized for her. College is so expensive and having to drop out because you can't afford it is one of the worst things in the world. Especially if it's something you truly want but not being able to afford it really blows.

"Can't you take a semester off and come back in the spring?"

She shook her head. "I'd need to take a full year off to get things situated. I need to call my parents. Mind if I have the room for a bit?"

"Not at all. I think I should head to the library so I can get some homework done."

Pushing the covers off of my body I went to gather my things and stuff them in my backpack. I put some snacks in my bag as well since I figure I'll be there awhile, and vending machine prices are crazy. As I packed up my bag I glanced over at Olly's cage and saw him sleeping peacefully on his wheel. Little guy must have exercised so much that he couldn't find the energy to bury himself under his bedding.

"I'll see you later," I told her as I headed out of the door.

She didn't say anything, but she didn't necessarily need to. Having to deal with financial troubles this early in the semester is something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. If I had one that is. 


Monica made her decision yesterday. I walked in on her packing her things after I was done with classes for the day. It kind of broke my heart knowing that this was really her only option because no one should have to be in debt to pursue an education. The weekends are going to be a little boring now that she's leaving. It's officially the second weekend on campus, I had finished all my afternoon classes, and I was expecting Monica's side of the room to be empty. Part of me wished I had the money to help her, but I know my dad is barely just able to cover my tuition and still be able to support himself.

Entering the building I ran into a couple of girls who stay down the hall from me. I nodded at them, but they didn't say anything to me. Of course, the snobby girls who think they're better than everyone else. Climbing the stairs two at a time while ensuring my skirt didn't show anything off, I pushed the door open and headed down the hallway to where my room is. The door was wide open as I saw Monica picking up the last of her bins getting ready to exit the room.

"You were just going to leave without saying goodbye?" I asked half-jokingly.

"Sorry," she responded with a dry chuckle, placing the bin by the door. "It's just a little embarrassing to me, that's all. I mean I started classes, moved in here and everything and now I have to leave because I can't afford it."

"It's not embarrassing," I reassured her. "It's just something we have to deal with even though we shouldn't. This is America I guess."

"My mom is downstairs waiting for me. She's a little annoyed that she had to drive up here to get me."

"I'm going to miss you."

"I'm going to miss you, too."

I pulled her into a tight embrace but let her go once I felt her phone vibrate. I had the feeling it was her mom. It was a weird feeling, watching someone you barely know leave knowing you'll probably never see them again. I've only known her for two weeks and I feel like I just lost an important person in my life. Her face held a sad expression as she checked her phone, a sigh escaped her lips not too long after seeing who it was.

"I should probably get going. My mom is becoming extremely impatient."

"Be safe, let me know when you make it home."

She simply nodded and picked up the bin. I followed close behind her and kicked the doorstop from underneath the door. The door practically slammed shut and I was now left with half of an empty room. 

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⏰ Son güncelleme: Sep 03, 2022 ⏰

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