I'm sorry..

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  Next thing I know, Rei is holding a wet towel on my forehead and places it gently and makes his way to the other towels and wets them in a bowl. I find an old man with glasses that reach the tip of his nose. "He will need to rest in his sheets, his body is far too exhausted to take any sort of movement. Please take good care of him, if anything happens send me a letter I will come right away, this medication will help replenish his energy, he must only take it once until he recovers, taking more than the prescribed amount will lead to addiction and possibly depression." He says grabbing his suitcase and leaves my chamber. I lift my head a bit, but I fail and my head hits the pillow. "Your majesty! You're awake!" I groan to the pain of the headache. "How long did I pass out for?" I ask and I feel very light headed. "Ah... A couple of days unfortunately your majesty." I sigh and I pass out again. I wake up hours later, and I hear Mikoto-san's voice and.... Sasuke. I lift my head, she rushes to me, "no honey, you don't need to sit up, please relax." She says worriedly, her eyes a bit red from crying. I reach my hand out a bit and use my thumb to caress her eyes. "Were you crying?" She looks down. "Mikoto-san... I'm okay, you don't need to worry." I close my eyes and smile, my hand drops to the sheets. "I'm sorry I just don't have any strength." Sasuke is far away. He looks worried. He comes up to his mom, "cmon mom lets leave Naruto to rest." He says as she leaves the room. She's out of sight and he closes the door. "Listen, I'll make this clear and I'll make it quick cause I know your exhausted. I'm really sorry Naru, I was being a brat and I was jealous and it just wasn't my day, I don't want you to ever cry over me, I don't deserve someone as precious as you to cry over me. So please forgive me because I feel like shit and....I just can't have you mad at me forever." He says putting his head on my chest. I lift my hand and start caressing his soft hair. "I forgive you, don't worry. " I smile, he lifts his head and kisses my forehead. "I'll let you rest" he says smiling as he leaves the room. Rei enters my chambers and bows giving me a letter and a package. "Your parents heard the news and sent you this your majesty" he says bowing again as he leaves the room. I open the fancy looking envelop and reveal a well written letter.

       My dear Naru,
It is a great pleasure to know your reading this, and it's a tragedy to know you've fallen ill, your father and I are doing great, your sister has become bigger, she's the size of my forearm, it's very funny how she's grown in just a few days. Anyways, I'd love to hear from you, tell us how you've recovered and how Itachi's parents are doing, how are the brothers, have you made your relationship stronger with Itachi, he used to always play with you I'm sure youve made progressed. Perhaps I'm talking about them too much, I've missed you and so has your dad, we've missed our cute baby boy, and we'd love to know when your coming back.

                                           Yours Truly,

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2022 ⏰

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