Field of Ivy

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As soon as I finished my fill, I ordered on of the servants to get me seconds. I got a plate full of the delicious food that was being served in the early morning of this dead country. "Excuse me your highness", says Ren, "I will quickly take my leave and come back" I nod to him as I see him immediately get to his whereabouts. I finally scrape the last of the sweet syrup when a servant asks if I wanted more, I raise the palm of my hand slightly as I push the chair to the back and get up. I realized that Prince Sasuke left around the same time Ren left, which was about 10 minutes. Its not a coincidence is it. I slowly make my way to the so called, "Royal Garden" and I can see large windows that showed a bunch of vines. I was about to enter until I heard my name. "Your majesty, what about their little spy, he's probably here by now, what should we do?" "Ren, don't worry, I left you guys to take care of the gang while I went to take care of garaa, their loyal spy, he was quite powerful, I could barely handle him alone" says Sasuke, this was the first time I heard his voice, it was deep and so dictatative, it made my heart skip a beat. "Well you could've asked for our help!" Shrieks Ren. "Don't worry, Ren, you guys were busy rescuing Na-" "why is this field so depressing" I completely disrupt their conversation and come up to Ren, "Ren, could you please prepare a warm bath for me" I gently say and he bows. Sasuke is quite tall, he is taller than Itachi by around 3cm, he was... More charming. This was my first time thinking about anyone like this, but is so wrong to think someone is charming??? He never looked like this when we were young, who would know he would grow to be so sexy in every aspect. He chuckles and looks down at me. "Naruto, its nice to make your acquaintance, you were saying..." I looked around the place one more time and look back at him, but before I could even open my mouth, I find his lips so close to mine, he pecks my lips and looks at my surprised Azul eyes and then gently closes his eyes and kisses me again.

His tongue

His hot tongue-

I immediately release his grip and wipe my mouth. "What were you thinking you dumbass?!" I shriek, covering my mouth with the long sleeves of my kimono. He pecks my forehead, "I missed you Naru" hearing him say these words, my tears start to form. I bite my lips and try to suck up my tears, he embraces me and sets me on the bench, he sits on one knee, saying nothing, moments later, I start sobbing and sniffing, "why would they do that! I'm tired of-of living with this stupid p-pretty face of mine, I just wanna rip my skin off, Sasuke! Thi-this isnt even the first time, nor the second! Why does it have to be m-me" I say leaning on his broad shoulders, he pats my back and califts my head up, "let's go to my room" I look at him with eyes full of meaningless tears, he carries me on his hands and takes me all the way to his room. The guard by the door locks the door behind us.

SasuNaruजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें