Your Majesty...

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"Naruto, as your father, I need to ask you of a favor, since your mother is pregnant and is almost delivering she can't go and neither can i, so I'm going to ask you to go to the Uchiha Country, and try to befriend the king, for our countries must bond." Says father as he sits on my bed and kisses me goodnight on my forehead.

"Your majesty, her highness just gave birth." Says a maid smiling with tears forming in her eyes. Dad immediately gets up and rushes, I follow him, as I run to my mother's chamber, I see all the guards eyeing me. Ever since I was very young, everyone has told me I'm the most beautiful person they have ever seen, I'm known as the pretty boy of the Uzumaki family. We reach the door and the guards were distracted by my beauty that they forgot to open the door but my dad immediately caught their attention, "what are you waiting for, open it fast!"

And me, my dad, and the maid who delivered the news go inside. We see mother lying in bed with a child in her hand, her hair is red just like my mom's hair. My dad goes to embrace my mother and I carry the child into my arms and look at her in such amazement, she's so cute, her eyes are such a bright blue, azure eyes are know to run in our family for years. I kiss her on her forehead and she laughs in such an adorable way, wanting to touch my face, instead she pulls my hair, "ouch" I say nervously laughing. My dad takes the child from me trying to release her grip from my hair, "her grip is too strong, it looks like she is going to be a strong woman when she grows up" my dad says after finally releasing her grip. I sit beside my mom, "how are you feeling, mother?" I ask in concern. "Other than the pregnancy pain I'm totally fine" she says with her tired face. I kiss her forehead and she puts her head on my shoulder. "Has your father told you-" "yes, that I'll be leaving in the next few days to Uchiha. I've heard" I sigh. She lifts her forehead, "that's my big boy" kissing my cheeks. I smile, I can never ask for more if this is the love I get from my parents... Only I'm afraid of going alone, I know I'm trained enough and I'm very capable, but I am just worried I'll be a burden.

I return to my room but a guard stops me. "Your majesty" he gets on his knees. He looks at me very flushed. I'm used to this by now, every guard and every maid are in love with my face, man or woman, "the Uchiha family has sent you a carriage and it's right outside." He says still flushed a bright red. "Yes thank you very much" I say passing by him and waiting for the guards by my chamber's door to open it. They are so mesmerized, they keep staring looking like ripe tomatoes. I glare at one of them and she clears her throat, signalling the guard to open her side as well. They both bow and close it after me. I take off my clothes and put on my night robe. I lay on my bed and sigh, " I hope nothing happens when I'm there" I simply fall asleep just like that.

The next day a maid knocks on my door lightly, "your highness, it's time for you to get ready" she is the only maid I trust, that's why I assigned her my personal maid, she attends to all of my needs, I specifically asked her to become my personal made so she can take care of my bath neccessities. She doesn't blush like everyone does, we always laugh and talk together. We've grown very fond of eachother when we both found out we were homosexual. So now I don't have to worry about her falling for me, she does call me a pretty boy and stuff, but never really blushed and isn't usually distracted by my looks. I get up and my shirt is a mess, my eyes so puffy. She enters and heads to the bathroom to get my bath ready. She awaits by my bed and tells me to start getting ready. Once I finished my warm bath, I get out and she puts on my robe, she then leaves the room so she attends to other things. I find my clothes and bag ready by my bed. I put on my clothes and order one of the guards to take my things to the car. I finish changing, I look at the mirror and take a deep breath. I go down the grand stairs to the front door, the largest door, it's made with fine metal and lined with the shiniest gold and the door's huge handle has my birthmark symbol, the one on my stomach. I gesture at the guards to open the door. I go out to see a nicely made carriage with expensive looking fine horses, I go up to the carriage, a man taller than I am, comes up to me with a natural smile on his face, he's wearing high waist navy blue trousers and black boots, a lavender vest on top of his black blouse. He bows down, his right leg bended behind his left leg and he sticks out his hand to me, I place my hand on his.

I thought he would just accompany me to the door of the carriage but he pecks my hand, I remove my and immediately out of shock, he smiles and stands straight again. "I apologize if I have frightened you in any type of way, allow me to introduce myself, I am Ren, I will be your personal servent and will attend to all of your needs during your stay at the grand palace" he says bowing again. He reaches his hand out to me again. I hesitate but grab it anyway. I was very hesitant about going in the carriage at first. But his talking eased my worries, he talked about how he's served the king for 15 years, he talked to me about his children and wife, and even showed a drawing he drew of them, he told me he's known for his art skills in his family. It was a rather long journey till we reached the 'grand palace'...

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