Chapter 36: Life after Billy

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It had been just under 3 months since Billy's funeral and Kali had thrown herself into work and music, she needed to distract herself while her heart healed. It was tough at first but with each passing day, it got a little easier. She visited Billy's grave almost everyday, taking the sonogram pictures with her to show him how much their child had grown. Kali was about ready to pop and Eddie had helped her pack and re-pack her hospital bag about a million times, according to Wayne she was nesting, whatever that meant. All she knew was that she was more then ready for this baby to be born. She had everything she needed and Wayne had even helped her move her room around so that there was more space.

Kali was sat at home one day, Wayne had gone to work and Eddie was out buying grocery's when she felt a sudden pain. She brushed it off as indigestion but it just kept getting worse. Kali slowly lifted herself off the sofa and made her way to the bathroom when her water suddenly broke on the kitchen floor. Panic set in as she tried to shuffle towards the phone, "hello?" The voice answered "hi, um is Wayne Munson there please?" Kali heard Wayne's name being called and after a couple of minutes he answered the call "hello?"

"Wayne it's Kali"

"Hey kid, what's wrong?"

"Um I think it's time"

"Shit! Okay, it's going to be okay, is Eddie there?" She could hear the panic in his voice and just as she went to answer his question the front door flung open "yeah he's just got home" she spoke as Eddie stared at her with wide eyes "okay, tell him to take you to the hospital, I'll call Susan and meet you both there"

"Okay I'll see you soon" Kali hung up the phone and quickly dialled Steve's number, Eddie rushed over to her side and held his hand to her belly as she spoke to Steve, she told him it was time for him to become an uncle and asked him to meet them at the hospital. After she hung up the phone she turned to Eddie, another wave of pain hit her as she dug her nails into his arms "okay sweetheart, come on, time to go" he slowly walked her out to her car. They had decided a few weeks ago that it would be best to drive her car to the hospital because Eddie's van was getting harder to climb in to.

Eddie raced through the streets of Hawkins as Kali cried out in pain next to him, he held her hand in his and kept telling her that everything was going to be okay as he pulled into the hospital parking lot. He ran inside and grabbed one of the nurses to help him walk her inside. Once they had set her up in a hospital room, Eddie was ushered outside while they did some checks, Kali begged for them to let him back in the room but they kept telling her that fathers weren't allowed in the delivery room. She didn't have the energy to correct them but when it came time to push she begged and begged for him to be with her, she really didn't want to do this alone. Kali was refusing to push until they allowed Eddie in the room with her and eventually they gave in. The doctor walked out into the waiting room, and had an entire group of teenagers and two adults run up to him and ask how she was doing, their voices all joined together into one loud noise as he raised his hands "which one of you is the father?" The group all looked around at each other nervously, they didn't know how to explain that the father had died. Wayne went to say something but couldn't find the words he wanted to say "which one of you is Eddie?" The doctor asked, he glanced up and down at the boy that stood forward, "she's asking for you" he turned on his heel and headed back to the delivery room, Eddie hot on his tail.

"Kali, you need to push okay?" Kali shook her head as the nurse spoke to her "Kali the baby is getting stressed out and needs to be delivered"

"No! Not until Eddie's here!" She shouted which startled the nurse. Kali held her breath as she tried her hardest not to push and just as she was about to give in, the doctor walked back in the room and her eyes softened as soon as she saw the metal head walk in behind him. Eddie climbed into the bed behind her and held her hands tight as she rested against his chest, the doctor sat back on his chair and nodded over to Eddie "okay sweetheart, you need to push, it's time to meet your baby" he whispered into Kali's ear.

After about 45 minutes of pushing Kali was exhausted, nothing seemed to be happening and she was in too much pain to carry on "I can't do it Ed's" she muttered as she rested her head back against his chest "yes you can sweetheart, just one more push and it'll all be over" he moved some of her hair away from her face and tilted her head towards his "you've got this Kali, just one more big push" Kali nodded to him as he rested his hands back in hers, he nodded to the doctor "okay, come on Kali, you can do this" Kali leaned forward and pushed as hard as she could.

"Congratulations, it's a girl!" Kali let out a sob of happiness as she watched the doctor clean the baby and wrap her in a pink blanket. Kali held her baby close, tears of happiness fell down her face as she stared at the beautiful girl in her arms, she looked just like Billy. Eddie climbed off the bed and Kali handed him the baby so that the doctors could clean her up and get her comfortable in bed "we'll give you two some time alone with your new bundle, and congratulations again" Kali smiled at the doctor as he left the room. Now it was just the three of them. Kali watched as Eddie swayed from side to side, he had tears in his eyes and a huge smile plastered on his face "she's beautiful Kali, just like her mama" he cooed as he made his way back over to the bed. Kali held her in her arms once more and couldn't stop staring and smiling at her as she opened her eyes to reveal the most beautiful pair of blue eyes she'd ever seen "she has Billy's eyes" she muttered as Eddie leaned on the bed next to her "she needs a name sweetheart" Kali's smile wavered slightly as she looked at Eddie, although she was thankful that he was there with her, she couldn't help but think it should be Billy stood by her side. As Eddie rambled on about possible names, Kali thought back to the conversation she had with Billy.

The couple laid there for a little while longer, talking about their future "okay we really need to start thinking about names" Kali spoke as she rubbed her belly "hmm what about Isaac?" Billy hummed "or Jack?" Kali scrunched her nose up, it's not that she didn't like the names he was suggesting but they were all boy names "you know it could be a girl right?" The thought hadn't even crossed Billy's mind, he shook his head and smiled "nope, my family is famous for having almost all boys"

"Okay then just humour me, give me some girl names" Kali smiled, Billy looked over at her, a wide smile spread across his face "I already have the perfect girl name so you don't need to worry about that" Kali looked at him confused, he pulled her close and whispered the name in her ear. Kali felt butterflies when she heard the name, he was right. It was perfect.

"What about Ashley?" Kali shook her head as she looked over to Eddie "Juliet" Eddie furrowed his brows as he looked into Kali's eyes "her name is Juliet Rose Hargrove" she smiled down at her child, Billy had already chosen the perfect name for her, "Juliet?" Kali looked back at the metal head as he leaned in and kissed her forehead "it's perfect" he smiled as he looked into Juliet's eyes "hi Juliet, I'm your uncle Eddie" Kali felt butterflies in her stomach as she listened to him, her heart began to swell again as she watched him hold her child, he would always be much more then just an uncle just as Billy would always be her father.

Two of a kind...... A Billy Hargrove storyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora