Chapter 1: The first day of school

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Kali found herself stood in front of her bedroom mirror staring down at the god awful clothes she had to wear. She hated looking like a good Christian girl but she knew her parents, mainly her father, would never let her leave the house in her usual tight fitting clothing.

"Okay, here we go Kali, first day back at school, you got this" she would repeat to herself before checking her outfit once again. She knew that as soon as she got to school, she could change into the person she really was, but that didn't make it any easier. She grabbed her bag from beside her bed and ran down the stairs, she was eager to leave the house as she knew her father would still be in bed, but sure enough when she reached the bottom of the stairs, he was there.

"You're leaving a little early aren't you?" He said as he stood with his arms crossed "oh yeah, I'm meeting a friend before school to go over the English homework we had" she smiled as she gently kissed her father on the cheek. She hated being nice to him and putting on an act around him but she knew that if she didn't, she would regret it.
"This wouldn't happen to be that Harrington boy would it Kali?" He grabbed hold of her wrist and spun her around so she was facing him "you know how I feel about you being around boys" he hissed, "Steve's just a friend daddy" she smiled, she hated calling him that when really she wanted to call him an ass for the way he treated her. She tried to pull away from her fathers grip but that just made him tighten it, she winced in pain "we don't want a repeat of what happened a few years ago now do we, whore?" He whispered "now get out of my sight" he pushed her back, causing her to stumble and fall on the floor as she watched her father walk back into the kitchen. She quickly wiped away a tear as she gathered her things and ran out the front door.

When she finally arrived at school she pulled out a cigarette and lit it. She was too afraid to smoke anywhere near her father but she would sometimes sneak a quick one in her room when she knew he wasn't home.
She stepped out of her car, looking around to make sure nobody else was there. She made her way over to the boot when she knew that she was in the clear and grabbed hold of her leather pants and pulled them on underneath her yellow and white sun dress. She rested her cigarette down on the side of the car before quickly pulling her sun dress up over her head, revealing her black, lace bra. She knew that it was a bit weird getting dressed in the school parking lot but she always made sure that she arrived early enough that no one else would be around. She pulled her cropped Metallica shirt down over her head and adjusted it so that it sat on her waist before pulling on her black, leather boots.

She picked her cigarette back up and took a couple of drags as she looked down at her outfit, she couldn't help but think that something was missing. She stood tapping on her chin as she looked around her boot and that's when she saw it. Her favourite studded belt shining in the sunlight along with her silver chain that her grandfather had gifted her, it had her name attached to it and she wore it every single day after he passed, kissing it every morning when she put it on. She closed her boot and sat back down in the drivers seat, grabbing her eyeliner and hairbrush from the back seat. She quickly ran the brush through her long black hair as she removed it from the ponytail she had put it in earlier that morning and roughed it up a little bit before applying her eyeliner. Finally she was ready.

"Bout time Harrington" she scoffed as she saw Steve's car pull up next to hers. She sat against the hood of her car blowing smoke out of her mouth "hey those will kill you y'know" Steve said pointing a stern finger at her, she smiled as she took a long drag and blew the smoke into his face causing him to cough "good" she laughed as she watched him move the smoke out of his face. She stood up and grabbed her bag out of the car as Steve came around to her, pulling her into a hug. She hated physical contact but Steve made her feel safe so she let out a sigh and hugged him back "okay Harrington, you can let me go now" she prodded at his side causing him to jolt away from the hug "sorry Kali" he laughed.

Her and Steve were about to head inside until she heard the roar of an engine and blaring music. Steve stood there staring at her as she started head banging slightly to the song, it was Rock you like a Hurricane by the scorpions, she loved metal and could never get Steve to understand the power of good music.
"Hey I think that guys checking you out" Steve's words pulled her out of her trance as she quickly glanced around for who was looking at her, and that's when she noticed him. Billy Hargrove.

She could feel herself going red as the well-built, blonde haired and blue eyed boy looked back at her pulling his sunglasses down slightly to get a better look. She gave him quick smile and grabbed ahold of Steve's arm dragging him inside the building.

"Fuck! That was so embarrassing" she screamed as she shoved her head inside her locker, Steve stood beside her barely containing his laughter "oh come on it was funny" Kali gave Steve a punch on the arm as she pulled herself away from her locker "see you at lunch asshole" she grinned as she walked away, Steve still stood rubbing his arm as she turned into her first class of the day.

Two of a kind...... A Billy Hargrove storyWhere stories live. Discover now