Chapter 2: The first encounter

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Kali quickly found her seat and pulled out her books, burying her face in them before anyone noticed that she was still red after this mornings encounter. Thankfully she sat at the back of the class and no one really paid any attention to her, other then to check her out or whistle at her when she roamed the halls between classes. The guys at this school were pigs and all had only one thing on their minds which Kali unfortunately found out about at an early age.

"Okay class, take your seats" the teacher shouted as people slowly moved around the classroom, mumbling and grumbling at how it was too early to be at school, "we have a new student joining us today, all the way from California" she gestured to the boy standing beside her "this is William Hargrove" she beamed "the names billy" he scoffed back rolling his eyes as he looked over at her "right well, billy" she nervously started "why don't you take a seat over there by O'Donnell" Kali quickly looked up from her book when she heard her name mentioned, oh fuck, she thought as the entire class stared at her, including Billy.

"Hey O'Donnell" Tommy whispered as he leaned back in his chair, Kali just glared at him, not wanting to know what he was about to say "try not to sleep with this one yeah?" He winked, she rolled her eyes at him and slumped down in her chair as she pulled her book back up to cover her face. She tried to avoid anymore encounters with the pathetic boys at the school but then she noticed out of the corner of her eye that Billy was staring at her "um.. hi?" She questioned as she glanced over at him "hey there beautiful" he grinned, she couldn't believe how forward he was, "you're that girl from this morning" he grabbed the book out of her hand so she had to look at him "hey give that back!" She reached for the book only to have her wrist grabbed by the boy sat next to her "not until you tell me your name beautiful" he whispered, Kali felt the panic set in as she started to breath heavy, she felt like smacking him for grabbing her wrist like that but instead she closed her eyes and tried to calm her breathing, "my name is Kali, give me my book back and don't fucking touch me!" She didn't realise that she screamed that last part, everyone turning around to face her "Kali O'Donnell!" The teacher shouted as she turned to face the class "we do not use that kind of language in this school!" She hissed, causing Kali to slump back in her chair, she felt so embarrassed that she had just screamed at the new boy in front of the whole class, she turned her head to look at him and noticed he was facing forward, his face also red but not out of embarrassment, out of anger.

The bell rang to signal the end of class and Kali felt relieved to be able to leave but she also felt bad that she screamed at billy, she turned to him as she put her books away "I'm sorry" she said quietly, he quickly glanced over at her and raised an eyebrow "I didn't mean to shout at you, it's just...." She took a deep breath before saying "I don't like physical contact" she averted her gaze from billy and closed her eyes as she waited for the laughter that usually followed but instead, when she opened her eyes she noticed that Billy was just looking at her, confusion filled his bright blue eyes "it's a long story and I don't know you well enough to talk about it" she said, patting his shoulder as she wandered out of class "see you around Hargrove" she turned back and winked when she realised he was still sat there, completely confused by her.

After a couple more classes it was finally time for lunch, she was supposed to be meeting Steve but he ditched her last minute to hang out with Nancy instead. Well, more like make out. So instead she made her way to her car, "hey beautiful" she whispered as she jumped onto the hood of her impala, resting her back against the windshield. She grabbed her sunglasses and her cigarettes out of her bag before leaning back and lighting one. She tapped her foot along to Metallica as she laid there enjoying her time alone. But it didn't last long. Her gaze quickly averted to the tall blonde guy that was strutting towards her, "nice car O'Donnell" he grinned as he rested up against the hood, grabbing out his own cigarette "oh um, thanks?"

"Don't suppose you've got a light?" He questioned as he searched through his pockets "guess I left mine in my glove box" Kali turned around slightly to see that his car was just a few yards away from hers, she laughed as she handed him the lighter "not that far away Hargrove"

"Yeah but why walk over there, when there's a beautiful girl here that already has one" he winked. Kali wasn't sure why she started to feel butterflies in her stomach but there was something about this guy that she secretly liked "yeah well, there's also some beautiful girls over by your car" she grinned as she leaned back against the windshield, resting her arm just above her head so her T-shirt came up a little, she looked back over at Billy and noticed that he was looking her up and down, biting his lip in the process. She chuckled to herself and started climbing off of her car, she grabbed her lighter out of Billy's hand and leaned in slightly "you should take a picture, it'll last longer" she whispered before she turned to walk away. Billy couldn't help but watch her walk back into the school, the way her hips moved made him feel a little excited, she knew exactly what she was doing as she sauntered away "stop staring Hargrove" she shouted just before walking back into school.
Billy started grinning and rubbing his hand over his face as he threw his cigarette to the floor and followed her inside, there was something about this girl that made her stand out, he just couldn't put his finger on what it was. All he knew was that he wanted her.

Two of a kind...... A Billy Hargrove storyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant