Chapter 9: Alleyway Beatdown

Start from the beginning

Yamagod POV

"Yo, Kiyotaka-kun, what's happening here?"

"Horikita is actually the SCP's little sister. Right now, he's about to discipline her."

"Ohh? I mean, I would too, given how much of a disappointment she is. Makes even Scrunchie-chan look useful."

"What brought you here?"

"Well, I was about to go outside to get a drink, but I saw Compass-chan in the elevator. So, I decided to tail her. Then, I saw you walking outside the building as well. I thought you two were about to do the deed, so I was gonna stop you. Looks like nothing happened though."

"What do you mean, the deed?"

"Bro, seriously, you don't know? Never mind, just Google it or something."

A muffled scream tore us from our conversation. Peeking around the corner, we found that the SCP had just thrown Compass-chan to the ground. Excitedly, I whipped out my phone and hit record, making sure that my phone's brightness was completely turned down. Although in the recording it would be a bit hard to make out what was happening, anyone could see the general idea: a guy beating a girl. This was a golden opportunity. For *ahem* saving a young girl of course. I would never use this tragic incident to blackmail the SCP. Who do you take me for?!

Seeing me start to record, Kiyotaka-kun quickly sidestepped, moving out of the way of the camera. Yanking his sister back up, he then proceeded to knee her in the stomach repeatedly. Soft choking and gagging noises reverberated off the alleyway. After a bit more sibling abuse, I decided to make my appearance. Dashing forward, I launched my right hand toward Abuser-senpai, who dodged just in time, distancing himself from me and a trembling Brocon-chan, who promptly fainted.


Leaving him no time to think, I darted forward, closing the gap, and showered him with repeated blows, concentrating them on his midsection. I made sure to only use Karate moves since I knew that Ayanokouji Kiyotaka was watching. No point in revealing your hand when the game has just begun.

After a few more seconds, one of my hits connected, a punch that was aimed at his upper abdominals. He bent over from the pain, and seizing this opportunity, I uppercut him with my left hand, then promptly wrapped my right around his neck and lifted him into the air.

"Well, Horikita Manabu, looks like you've been caught doing some naughty things."


Not caring about the fact that he was suffocating, I took out my phone with my free hand and played him the video. His eyes widened, before recomposing himself a moment later. I gotta admit, he's got willpower.

"But, being the generous god that I am, I am willing to delete this recording. For a small price of course. So, what do you say? Uh, I mean, nod if you agree."

Slowly, he nodded his head. I released him, letting him drop to the ground. He gasped, wheezing for air. A short moment later, he got back up.

"You move well, do you practice something?"

"Yeah, I do. Do you wanna know what I practice?"


"I practice something called BEING A FRICKING GOD! Also toe-rating on the occasion." I replied, flexing my biceps and sticking out my foot.

"It seems that you're more enigmatic than the others say."

"You've heard of me?"

"You've become known as quite the notorious scammer among the 2nd and 3rd years."

"Interesting. Now, let's get back to the topic at hand shall we?"

"Of course. What would you like?"

"10 million private points as well as letting me join the Student Council."

*Sigh* "Very well, it's not like I have much of a choice anyways. But, why do you want to join the SC?"

"I have my reasons. Would it be possible for you to give me a cool, authoritative position fit for me while I don't have to do any paperwork?"

"I can arrange that."

"Good. I've been recording this conversation senpai, so it would be unwise of you to go back on your word."

"I know. I am a man of my word."

With that, I received a notification that I had just received 10 million points.


Then, I handed over my phone. After he made sure that I hadn't made any copies, he deleted the recording. Surprisingly, he hadn't tried to delete my recording of our contract. What an interesting man.

"Yamauchi-kun, before you go, may I ask you one question?"


"What is your purpose here at this school?"

"What do you mean?"

"You clearly aren't after the prospect of reaching Class A to gain the 100% employment guarantee. What you have displayed to me tonight is probably but a mere fraction of your true potential. With your abilities, you could achieve anything you want in this world."

"Very true."

"So, what is your goal? What drove you to enroll here?"

"For revenge."

"Can I ask what you mean by that?"

"I heard that at this school, many brilliant students gather here each year. I am hoping to recruit them in aiding my goal. Of course, I know that this will not be easy, but I will not stop at any cost."

"Very well, I will not dig any further. But, if you want, I am willing to aid you in this quest."

"Why would you say such a thing? You don't even know the full story."

"I trust that someone like you must have a good reason for it. And that that reason is not evil. I have, an intuition, I suppose, for people with talent. Whether they are good or bad. I believe that you are good."

"Quite the prophet huh?"

"Hmph. Say what you like."

For the first time, he cracked a smile. Horikita Manabu. At first, I thought you were just some nerdy scumbag that can only beat up his little sister, but you have exceeded my expectations. You are a man that is far more powerful than anyone else at this school, with the sole exceptions of Perfect Existence-kun and Kiyotaka-kun. As expected of the man that stands at the pinnacle of this school.

"Hah! I'll accept your offer then. Thank you very much, Horikita-senpai."

"Call me Manabu. And would you mind exchanging contact info?"

"My pleasure, Manabu. I look forward to this year. With you around, things won't be so boring."

"Likewise. Maybe one day, I will be able to see how deep your abilities go."

We shook hands, attempting to crush the other with our grip. Of course, I won. With that, we parted ways, going back to our respective dorms, and leaving an unconscious Compass-chan in the alleyway.

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