chapter thirteen

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jisung knocked on the door of chan's house, he opens it and chan smiles when he sees him.

"jisung!" chan hugs him, jisung hugs back.

"hey chan"

"and you're minho?" chan looks at minho who nods.

"he's cute" chan says and jisung nods.

"well come in!"

they walk in and look around, it was pretty nice for one person.

"sorry about the mess I forgot to tell felix you were coming" chan says and tries to reorganize the place a little bit.

"is he your roommate?" jisung asks. "based on how big this is you definitely have a roommate"

"actually he's my boyfriend" jisung and minho look shocked.

"boyfriend!?" they say at the same time.

"yes" he laughs. "we've been together for years now"

"how did I not know you were gay let alone have a boyfriend!?"

"because I knew mom and dad would find out and I'd never hear the end of it from them. every time I mention him I just say he's my roommate"

"that's good though that you both are gay" minho says. "you can talk about it to each other"

"yeah I guess so" chan says and after that a guy comes downstairs.

"hey is this them?" felix asks and chan nods.

"this is my boyfriend felix" chan says. "this is my brother jisung and his boyfriend minho"

"nice to meet you guys, chan's told me about what you went through" he looks at jisung. "it's good to see you have a boyfriend"

"oh um... yeah..."

"so why don't you tell me about you minho?"

"oh well I'm from seoul... I'm 18... I live with my aunt" jisung looks down hearing minho say that.

"what's wrong ji?" chan asks.

"I forgot you're leaving"

"you're leaving?" chan looks at minho.

"yeah... my aunt got a new job in america and since I live with her I kind of have to go"

"when do you leave?"

"in 2 days"

"that's not enough time" jisung says.

"I know... I don't want to leave you now especially since we're here in person..." minho caresses his cheek. "but I have to"

"come on you two don't be sad right now" chan says.

"let's just enjoy the time we have together"

"you guys can stay here tonight and tomorrow we can spend the day together" chan says and felix nods.

"our couch is a pull out so you can both sleep here" felix says.

"but" chan stands up. "no monkey business"

"chan!!!!" jisung stands up and he just laughs.

"okay okay come on" chan grabs felix's hand. "good nightttt"

they pull out the couch and lay down on it, facing each other.

they're both staring into each others eyes, minho strokes his hair as they exchange soft smiles.

"do you think maybe... you could stay?" jisung says while still looking at him.

"everything's already settled so I can't, but I know one thing is I'm going to be annoying you so much by calling and texting you every single day" jisung chuckles.

"good, because I'm going to be doing it too"

"you already do it"

"I know"

"but I love it"

minho pulls him close and wraps his arms around him, as they eventually fall asleep in each others arms.


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