chapter eleven

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"oh my god!" he says but minho wasn't paying attention.

wow that's good!

I'm sure your brother wants to see you maybe you should contact him
look to your left


minho finally looks up and does look to his left.

"oh my god"

minho pays for his and jisung's drinks and he goes outside.

jisung goes outside and the first thing he does is run into his arms.

"I told you we could meet soon!" jisung says as tears fall down his cheeks, minho hugs him back and is also about to cry.

"I can't believe it's you" minho says.

"it's me!" he says through his tears.

"I knew you would cry!" minho pulls away and looks at him.

"shut up!" he says. "you're crying too!"

"but you cried first" they both laugh through their tears and hug each other again.

"I never thought I would see you so soon!" minho says.

"me too!"

they both stay in each other's arms for a little while longer, when they pull away they're staring into each other's eyes while tears still fall down their cheeks.

"would it be okay if... I kiss you?" jisung is the first to speak.

minho nods with a small smile as the two lean in closer to each other and eventually their lips touch.

"wow..." minho says as they pull away.


"what should we do now?"

"I don't know... we can't go to my house because of my dad" jisung says.

"and my aunt's still leaving"


"come on let's not let that ruin this moment" minho caresses his cheek. "we're finally here together in person"

"then let's go somewhere" jisung says.

"like a date?"

"yeah! wait no... well if you want it to be—" minho cuts jisung off by kissing him.

"come on" minho grabs his hand and they start walking away from the cafe.

they first went to a restaurant and then afterwards they walked around seoul together.

"have you thought about where you're gonna live now?" minho says.

"no but I'll figure it out"

"I still think you should contact your brother"

"I want to but... I just don't want him to tell me I can't live with him..."

"why don't you do it now and I'll be here" minho stops walking and looks at him.

"now?" minho nods. "okay..."

they both go to the nearest bench and sit down. minho holds jisung's hand to assure him he's here.


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