~ Chapter Thirty One ~

Start from the beginning

"As if! You're related to me, how could she not think you're cute?" He dramatically asked.

"Not. Helping." I stated, trying to cool down.

"Whatever man, you have a crush and you can't deny it." He calmly said, as if it were no big deal.

I dragged my hands down my face in frustration, "Can you just, like, shut up!" I groaned, fed up with his taunting.

"Fine, but thanks for getting us dinner with Endeavor, broski." He expressed, pushing my head down and messing up my hair.

"H-hey! Stop that! Your running my look!" I whined as he continued to ruffle my hair.

I finally got free of his grasp and flipped my head up, and was surprised to be met with (y/n)'s gaze. My eyes widened and I froze in shock and my face flushed a light shade of pink. Her cheeks went a soft rose color and she started to awkwardly wave with a soft smile gracing her lips.

"Is that your little girlfriend?" Keigo asked, leaning down close to me.

"Y-yeah-I mean, no!" I replied back to flustered to realize what I had said.

He chuckled and started to wave back to (y/n), "Well, don't just stand there like an awkward chicken! Wave back and smile!" He whispered into my ear.

I nodded subtly and did as he said. I smiled back at her and waved softly.

Her eyes widened and her mouth slightly parted as she swiftly turned away from me.

I stopped what I was doing and my heart sunk, "D-did I do something wrong?" I asked, Turing my head towards Kei.

He smirked, "You actually did everything just right..."

~ (y/n)'s POV ~

"-Oh my god! Thank you sir! Yes...uh-huh...totally! Thanks again sir!" I heard a faint beep and then a woman started to cheer, "Well, we can come tonight if that still works for you!"

I was really confused at this point, and wearily opened my eyes, unaware of where I was. When I started to lazily look around, I made eye contact for a split second with my father who just stared me down. I immediately squeezed my eyes shut, hoping that be might've been zoned out, but it was quickly brought to my attention that he noticed me.

"(y/n), come on, we have a visitor." He stated.

I sighed and opened my eyes, sitting up slowly. I looked around and saw a middle aged woman with fluffy honey hair and similar colored eyes looking at me with a tired smile. She looked oddly familiar, especially those soft honey eyes.

"Hey! Are you related to Marlo?" I asked the lady eagerly.

She giggled slightly and nodded, "Yeah, I'm actually his mother!" She explained, "Actually, he and his older brother Keigo are right over there!" She stated, pointing down the sidewalk.

My gaze followed her finger and I saw two boys who seemed to be roughhousing with one another. I watched close as the taller guy smiled while he aggressively ruffled the smaller boy, who I assumed was Marlo, hair. I could hear annoyed cries coming from Marlo while his older brother messed up his hair, but he finally got free from his brother's grasp and he flipped his head back upward. 

His eyes were closed and his lips were slightly part. As he whipped his head back, his hair floated aimlessly in the air, but eventually gravity did it's part, and his hair fell nicely, framing his face beautifully. He finally opened his eyes, and as if like magnets, our eyes locked and we're started to gaze at each other.  I calmly waved, giving him a slight smile and trying my best not to blush.

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